Morally Conscious

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Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Like A Caveman Frozen In A Glacier, What Does The Frozen Blood Found In My Body Reveal About A Cavewoman (aka Lori LaFond)

Who says you can't put a square cube into a perfectly round cylinder?  Lori did.  LOL.  That's a sick joke that I am aiming at myself because it's my blog and not yours.  Actually, I'm making a point.

Right now we are in the middle of a pandemic.  A virus is being spread from an unknown person to another unknown person.  This helps a virus to expand and become deadly to an entire world because people don't know that they have been exposed.  Ideally, when a disease is contagious, a person would show some kind of outward symptom so people could avoid contact.  In the case of coronavirus COVID-19, people are infected for days and contagious and pass it from person to person.  What does this have to do with Lori LaFond?  Everything!

Lori tested positive for the HIV virus sometime before the summer of 1987.  She knew she had the virus and at that time it meant certain death for almost everyone.  When she combined her love for remote neural monitoring with intentionally infecting people with the disease, she crossed several lines that are seen now in frozen blood.  Lori has learned from years of stalking her victims that the combination of her blood, in copious amounts, and stalking them, is an effective way to kill someone.  You see her blood not only has a very virulent HIV strain, but it also contains a bacterial staph infection that causes a respiratory infection leading to bacterial pneumonia.  This is not common in HIV patients.  Yes, there was a pneumonia that was associated with HIV/AIDS, but this is different.  The AIDS drugs that prevent a person from having a normal immune system don't work on the bacterial staph infection.  Bacteria, as you know, is fought with antibiotics.  HIV meds are antiretrovirals/anti-virals and protease inhibitors.  So even though a person with HIV could become unable to pass the virus that causes AIDS to another person, the bacterial staph still can.  This has led to more deaths in our community at the Desert Regional Memorial Hospital than any other cause.  It is deadly if you don't catch it in time.  I was taking HIV meds at the time that Lori infected me with her bacterial staph by coughing into my mouth when I was knocked out.

So while I wasn't able to be reinfected with HIV virus, her bacterial staph gave me pneumonia that put me in the hospital for two weeks.

Enter the frozen blood used at my rape.  You've all seen my skull by now.  It's not surprising to me that someone that intentionally infected me with HIV would also try to smash my skull in.  This means that she was trying to kill me.  You see Lori stored her blood in a freeze bowl then brought it to the scene of the rape, knowing that her HIV strand has become stronger over the years as well as her bacterial staph and many other STI's.  She froze it then thawed it out in a microwave at Steven's home where I was attacked killing the bacterial staph, tuberculosis,  Hepatitis C and HIV, but I did respond to the dead bacterias and viruses in that frozen blood.  I got an antibody can only get that from someone with active diseases, not just with antibodies in her system.  This means that Lori has all of the diseases that my body reacted to and she knew it well enough to try to preserve them in a hostile environment for them to survive.

When you look at those diseases, you can ask a doctor and they almost always say that the host is using dirty syringes and drugs!  The bowl of blood suggests a conspiracy.  It suggests that she knows she is very sick and that she is saving it for something.  The only conclusion with a broken skull is murder!!!

This is how finding frozen blood in my rear end is so very important to the ending of Lori's reign of terror and attempts to infect our community with something like the disease cocktail she froze in her freezer.  Police Chief Reyes was involved in a conspiracy to murder me by allowing the crime lab report to go unused and uninvestigated.  You see all that information was available to him in the lab report from Riverside.  I doubt that he knew that he could be charged with attempted murder by balking on having Lori arrested, but now he's looking good for the case.  The reason is that Lori was given to him as a suspect by Steven Frey as well as the crime lab report.

I've never seen or heard of a police department that wasn't overjoyed by having DNA results from a rape.  Ours not only negated these results, but then I was able to obtain the MRI's from the hospital that actually show the status of my skull as "severe" even though they didn't admit me to the hospital.  Then there is that postcard too.  Someone is clearly threatening me and has made an attempt on my life...several actually.

When the police chief said that there was "No DNA on my bloody clothing" he was lying and it took all of a few days before Lori went to Sedona, Arizona and raped again.