Morally Conscious

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Saturday, April 11, 2020

From My Own Doctor I Can Tell You What Deadly Diseases Lori LaFond Had In 2007

Most of you think that the coronavirus is what everyone should be frightened of.  You are right, this is a really nasty strain of corona, but I can tell you that someone else is walking around with much worse.  Lori has two kinds of viral infections that cause certain death if untreated and two kinds of bacterial infections that do the same.  Hep C, if able to be treated is curable.  HIV, as we all know is manageable if treated with a daily dose of medicine.  HIV and Hep C together and untreated is a very deadly combination, but Lori's condition gets worse.  Since she is a dirty needle meth user, she also has contracted Septicemia, which is a horrible bacteria in the blood that causes MRSA...and can infect a person's lungs by breathing around her.  Top that off with Tuberculosis, a bacteria that is running rampant in the Imperial Valley, you have two bacterial killers, one is the most voracious killer in the world (TB) combined with an internal virus or two that makes Lori a big-time danger to the community.

In this time of great care for others, we need to get her into a hospital for treatment and testing immediately.  I know she has these diseases because my lab reports show them from the Desert AIDS Project.  When she raped me she gave me all of the above in either antibody form or the disease itself.  Fortunately taking HIV meds staved off a second infection.  The only thing I got from that second rape was a smashed skull and syphilis.  Everything else was an antibody response from someone's frozen blood. 

Thank you, God for sparing me again!!!
