Morally Conscious

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Saturday, April 11, 2020

Overkill: The One Word That Describes Lori LaFond The Very Best!!!

There is no word that I can use to best describe Lori LaFond's demeanor better than the word, "OVERKILL!"  If you have heard from her once, you are one of the very lucky few, because all Lori needs is one phone number or one email address and she will use it into the ground until she hears something that she wants from you.  Lot's of people use the "If you don't stop I'll tell Kevin" method of stopping her, but that really only puts more pressure on me and makes you look irresponsible.

I can guarantee you that the picture above has to be explained to Lori.  It's not enough to crack a nut to eat, Lori has to pulverize it until it's inedible.  That's Lori's approach to being a fugitive too.  Rather than keep a low profile, Lori has decided to threaten everyone she can find to keep lies and secrets that she needs for her alibi to work.  The truth is that nobody need lie for her.  In fact, you may be obstructing justice if you do.  I wouldn't want that. Obviously.  Lori is so much aggression pent up in a useless body full of disease, I literally think that she won't go to the hospital to take care of her illnesses, simply because she can't stop bitching all the time.  It's her life, overkill.  I'll give you more examples.

Have you ever had something that Lori wanted and she had your number to text?  I know there is absolutely no way that there aren't thousands of messages between Lori and Steven where she is begging him to sell her drugs...or worse.  Lori's the kind of person that experiences Fear of Missing Out...aka FOMO.  If she thinks that she isn't going to get what she thinks she deserves, she won't just blow up your phone she'll nuke the god damn thing.  Over and over until you end up turning your phone off.  The same thing would go for calling police dispatch at the Palm Springs Police Department.  Can you just imagine how many recorded calls from Lori LaFond that say, "I am having a problem with someone...send the police" or "I need to report a situation of domestic violence where someone was threatening another person with a knife."   It's far more than you would think a person would go, but not Lori. 

When Lori raped me twenty years after the first time she infected me, I already had HIV, but she was determined to go further this time.  She has already told everyone I know that I have it, so why would she try to infect me again with her frozen blood, if she didn't intend to introduce me to other deadly diseases she had at the time?  Think about it.  She also knew I was undetectable and that I got tested for STI's all the time per the Desert AIDS Project.  So not only did she try to reinfect me with a worse cocktail of her deadly blood, she also tried to bash my head in.  Why give someone a disease if you are just about to kill them by bashing their head in?  She's way over the top when it comes to killing.  I think this morning's topic was "beheading".  I've heard of her "lacing" syringes, "poisoning" Marilyn Katzenberg, and shooting someone she just didn't like.

This little girl is a monster.  She's more evil than anyone I've ever heard of and she guises all of her rage to protecting the computers that allow her crimes against people.  This seems an easy fix.  Take the god damn computers and her drugs.  She needs to be seen by a doctor and tested for her combination of deadly infectious diseases.  It's not my fault she picked me to experiment on, I just know what happened after she did.  I know how to look at the attempts she made on my life...or two or three...she's a fucking killer.

I hope you all have your own stories of "Overkill LaFond" ready, I'm sure there are some doosies...