Morally Conscious

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Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Crisis Avoided: New Laptop Secured and We're Blogging Again: Lori Is Pissed Off!!!

So, my sister really came through for me today and I was able to buy a new computer.  Lori is super pissed off at me and I think she is acting like a child that didn't get the Christmas present that she wanted.  Boo hoo hoo.  All that time trying to ruin my reputation with my family and Lori didn't succeed.  I know some of you out there know exactly what I am talking about, don't you?

So now that I have this new PC set up, I will be working on the blog some more!

I love my sister.  She didn't even flinch.  She's so awesome!!!  Jeffrey and Bessie should call her and tell her how important this was to me.  They know why.