Morally Conscious

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Friday, March 6, 2020

Controlling Men With Toxic Lesbian Feminism: Their Real Targets Are Our Moms, Sisters, and Girlfriends

Much has been said about equality between the genders and how to achieve that.  No matter how much we seem to try to put women on equal footing with men, it always seems to fall short for the ladies.  The most simplified way of doing this is to define both men and women as "person".  Old habits die hard, however, and we are left with the same problems that we've always had.  Women aren't paid equally.  Women aren't represented fairly.  Women aren't considered as much as a man is...and so forth.

I remain steadfast, even as an advocate for the LGBTQ community.  Without true equality between men and women, there can be no equality for other minorities.  It's just not possible.   The laws can be written to reflect equality but it has to pan out into the public as the law describes it.  It doesn't happen often enough in my opinion.  That opinion comes from my experience with very powerful women all the way down to my 4 year old nieces.  One way that doesn't work at all is the way Missy and Lori have doled it out for years.

Man hating isn't the way to achieve equality.  Supporting women doesn't really happen when another woman comes along and blames their husbands, sons, and male friends for everything that has gone wrong in their lives.  Treating men like objects that can be played with because of reproductive organs isn't the way to improve a woman's standing with equality.  It puts way too much emphasis on a man.  The other thing it does is hurt the women that love us as equals or their sons, or husbands, or friends.  Man hating isn't something that improves any woman's chances of being considered equally.  Tearing down a woman or a man isn't feminism.  True feminism is the realization that women are just as capable as a man to do whatever job is at hand.  Not more capable, but just as capable.

You can't achieve equal footing by stepping of the feet of another.  That means stealing from them, diseasing them, denouncing them, or whatever it is that Missy and Lori think is so damn important that they have to sink to a very low level to look like they are better than everyone else.  Don't they realize that when you go that low, nobody respects you, man or woman?

Certainly, there is no equality in a woman that rapes a man, is there?  Nobody is made better because my skull was smashed in by a woman.  The only thing I can think of is that by raping gay men, Lori has become equal to a male rapist.  Is that really an achievement?  It doesn't seem like it.  Unfortunately, we have a police department that doesn't see that situation fairly.   If a man raped 650 women in one area, they would call him a monster.  When Lori raped and infected this many, the police called her for information.  That's not the same and it isn't equal.  Do you see my point?  Men aren't objects to be raped either, gay or straight.

I would also like to point out to everyone that Lori LaFond wasn't ever raped by a man that I know of.  Quite the opposite.  From my research, she would sell drugs to boys in school then demand that they have sex with her or she would tell their parents that the boys were using drugs.  That's how this crime should be looked at, but it isn't.  For as long as I can remember Lori has been using drugs as a weapon, not just for getting high.  She knows that there is power in having a big stash of drugs that she can use to manipulate people; sexual power, criminal power, and the power to make money.  Unfortunately, Lori isn't a good drug dealer, not that there is such a thing.  Steven Frey used to call her a "drug pusher" and that seems to be more accurate.  I just call her a bully.  She's always been a bully.  She will never stop being a bully.

Missy and Lori seem to share this trait.  Using drugs to bully people.  Using this system against men to further their endeavors.  Though I think Missy's goal is wealth, Lori's goal is sexual conquest.  That "workplace violence" restraining order had nothing to do with workplace violence.  There isn't any behavior of mine at the City of La Quinta that showed me ever contacting them and the reason is simple...I didn't have any idea where Lori LaFond said she was working until it was served on me.  You never see the City of La Quinta mentioned on any of my blogs until Lori filed that.

Her attorney missed the entire point, but I'll bet she gets it now.  The point was that Lori, using remote neural monitoring, pretends to be people.  She lies.  She steals.  Then she uses a friend at the courthouse, Commissioner Best or Cribbs, to apply the law with a bias towards her toxic lesbian feminist agenda.  Just look at how many times Lori says shes, "Not a lesbian" in that document.  As if being a lesbian is a bad thing.  I'm a gay man and I think being a lesbian is equal.  Does that make sense?  Lori's response to a question I asked was ridiculous.

Her restraining order claims that me asking people where she was to eliminate her as a suspect in a case I was working on for Bryan Anderson, resulted in an application that sounded like the City of LaQuinta does not support a safe work environment for lesbians and gays.  Lori states that because I inquired as to her being a lesbian that it made her workplace unsafe and she could be beaten up or something.  If someone at her workplace was threatening violence towards her shouldn't her attorney be going after that person?  I certainly didn't threaten her workplace for "lesbianism", I support legislation that requires a safe workplace.  It's necessary for everyone with a disability, religious belief, or sexual preference.  Remember folks, I worked for the U.S. Justice Department.  If anyone is threatening you because of your "alleged" sexuality, you should find an HR person and report them.  You don't go after someone that was trying to eliminate you as a suspect.  It only made Lori look like the person I wrote about in the blog in question.  Clearly, her ties to the court favored her when the whole matter stayed in federal court.  They shouldn't have ruled and did without as much as a noticed hearing.  The real Lori LaFond that is employed at the City of LaQuinta, isn't the one that filed the application.

The reality of the matter is that no matter which LaFond filed that restraining order or where she worked, the one that followed me to Sedona, Arizona while the order was temporary, was Lori LaFond that I went to high school with.  That appears to be the same one that swore that what she was putting forth to the court was the truth.  She was lying.  Then she showed exactly the same type of disdain for legal matters that she always does, she broke the restraining order and followed me for six hours out of state, where she allegedly was arrested.  Again, she used another name to escape after bail was set and she made arrangements to post bail.  The fake name is all she needed? No, she needed the help of Missy Ericcson to spring her loose for the next ten years.

As I've said in the previous blog, the one that Lori's lawyer took exception to, Lori has no respect for the law, just her toxic lesbian version of femininity that says "a man can't get away from her."  She didn't just follow me to Sedona, she followed my friends and made contact and threats against them.  That's against the law.

The ten year anniversary of Lori's escape from the State of Arizona is next week!  Can you believe it?  The only times that I have seen Lori has been at two memorials for my friends' dads.  I would like to point out that one of these two friends was being "followed" right after the memorial.  Lori and Missy have a tendency to look for money after someone has died.   She told me that people were following her and immediately I recognized that as something Lori has done to me in the past.  Lori is also suspected of stealing insurance money from my sister, left to her kids after her husband was shot and killed.  I am reminded that obituaries are something that Lori scans for a possible target.  Everyone should be careful.

In the meantime, looking back at that bogus restraining order I like to look at all the women that Lori threw under the bus to get what she wanted.  First there was the attorney that she used, inappropriately, M. Katherine Jensen, Esq., who showed me less attorney and more ignorance when she allowed a woman to use some kind of workplace violence charge to secure an employee's safety, instead of going to the city manager to ask about who was intolerant of Lori's sexuality, straight or gay.  Next was the secretary at the Commissioner's office that got the case assigned to Lori's favorite hanging judge, Larry Best.  Not only did this happen in a court designed for criminal arraignments, but it was also completely out of order as the case was stayed in federal court at the time.  Then there is the real City of La Quinta's employee, Lori LaFond who had nothing to do with the situation and was not the person that I was talking about on my blog.

The list goes on and on.   Bryan Anderson's wife has to deal with the weird girl that thinks she had a marriage to Bryan and children with him, even though she was married to Bryan since Lori was in high school.

Then there was Marilyn Katzenberg who knew that Lori was lying on that restraining order from the beginning and was asked to come to Sedona, by me.

Also there is Lori's real sister, Jacquie Palmer who did not work where Lori said she did and who Lori purported called people to ask if I was the person on a phone message left where she didn't work.  Jacquie's affidavit also states that I called her at her non-existent job and threatened her, which never happened.  There is also the fact that Lori's real mother and real sister know all about remote neural monitoring from their own time in the military.  They both also have been victimized by Lori over the years and know that Lori, herself, is implanted with one of these chips, though Lori denies knowing anything about it to the court.  You see, this is what "Lisa" is like.  Whether Lori was Lisa or not, she lied about knowing ANYTHING ABOUT THIS CRIME...BUT THE WHOLE TIME SHE DENIED IT, SHE WAS USING THE SYSTEM TO HARASS ME AND SHE HAD A CHIP IN HER OWN HEAD THAT WAS TRACKING HER.  Lori is "Lisa" everyone, but more important Lori is playing this denial game to the hilt.

I want you all to see that her toxic lesbian femininity has nothing to do with supporting women, it has to do with forcing them to lie about a crime.  It's not making women better, it's making them hurt men, gay men, and that's what Lori and Missy are all about.