Morally Conscious

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Wednesday, August 8, 2018

What's The Trade Off For Having Insiders Or Solving A Crime Sooner? As Time Wears On, The Former Is Less Important Than the Latter

It's a little like paddling a canoe with someone else, that you haven't paddled with before.

At first you are in that mode to be cool and friendly and pretty much since it's his canoe you are taking his advice.  Clearly he's a canoe-guy and he can paddle.  It's about then that you find out that it's his brother's canoe and now that you've been paddling his way, the sun is going down and you ain't got no idea where' you are suppose to meet up with the friends that are there.  Now it's not so friendly.

My personal belief is "never leave it to chance"...know what you are doing and where it ends up.  Let's face it being in a canoe with someone that doesn't know how to paddle is not going to be fun in the dark.  Usually you'd be taking in the beautiful sunset, sitting by a fire, campsite fixed up and roasting one.  Now you've got to paddle upstream with a rookie, though he WAS cute, now he's a big we're paddling my way now.

We have to get there or we're going to be stuck out here freezing and not knowing where camp is. Stopping at every campfire saying, "Are those our friends or is it the next campfire across the stream."  Clearly you have made an unwise choice not to paddle the way you know how and get there with the directions you looked up and confirmed.  Not to mention the cell phone that he left in his car but you brought yours...whew!

I have experience with this story beyond most.  Once the newness of the nightmare became more of the reality of the nightmare, I was confident that without having insiders it wouldn't have been possible to accomplish the goal of the investigation.  That being to find the person, known as "Lisa", that torments all the guys in the gay areas and has them arrested.  She even says that, by the way.  So the reason there is an urban legend can be chalked up to the bravado and chest thumping she does when she gets someone arrested.  I'm sure that Steven Frey has his story to tell about this, Christopher too.  It's ridiculous to think that someone can have you arrested for nothing essentially, then they take you in, photograph and print you and you end up in jail for a year and a half up to two and a half years.  It's nuts.  But the bragging about it to other people was really what grew her legend.  She could do just about anything she wanted...who knows what secrets she has within the police department.  

I know for a fact that there are people in Los Angeles and San Diego that told me about her and to be careful.  I am the person that announced that to everyone that talked about her.  She was called "Jessica" then but it's the same girl.  People told me she was selling drugs and stealing from everyone and I told them to tell her that I was not interested in meeting her.  That would get her attention...not that I didn't have it already.  It's a fact I don't like female drug dealers.  I don't.  I have trust issues and I deal with men better or at least I use to.

Inside, though I didn't see him, was Jonathan and Barbara.  I knew that there were some people that Lori didn't she turned them into a co-criminal.  They, however, never spoke on this system, only Lori talking about them.  Tracy, Joe, Barbara, Jonathan and the DHS 8 all were talked about.  She called the DHS 8, "those little people out there", but there was a time that each and every one of them was her "favorite person", weren't you guys.  She'd find one that she was "in love" with, they'd turn her down and then she'd go after them.  Lori thinks of it as a game.

These are the kinds of things that you usually find out after the crime is charged though.  You don't get all the inside information without a price...that's all the stuff that Lori brings with her...a nightmarish collection of mind games and drugs and hateful messages and plans and past experiences all packed in a seaman's trunk just waiting to be unleashed on someone new.   She and her friends suck you in with their "let's show them how we do this" attitude and it somehow detracts from the fact that there is a real serial rapist or two in our community.  That's way more important than who Lori tell that I'm sleeping with someone...which it a joke because that's not an option.

All these foolish games and lines that get crossed are primary to this system's continued existence.  The more they can baffle you with bullshit, the more they will...and they are on meth, so you have to understand these are the worst of the worst addicts in our area.  There is so much professional whining and crying going on that people tend to forget, I tried to live this life through the AIDS crisis, I didn't live so I could live like this.  I have a lot of people to thank for my life and it's not getting done this way.

So then I wonder, wouldn't it have been a better idea to take the evidence that we had and told the police that we have contradicting information about that DNA report, we have the report and need to ask you some's not an active investigation, he said so.  There is nothing more that we can do for you, is a quote from Chief Bryan Reyes.  What can I say, my skull broke itself in my sleep. (That's a joke)

I can tell that the media was way ready to confront this topic when I got the news segment.  There is no way they haven't heard about this crime of rape and infection of gay men...I got that impression really clearly.  So if the police chief won't consider the REAL report, what is this saying about our police department.  The first DNA report cost a lot of money to the taxpayers and yielded great results...that's a waste of money, time and lab effort.  Not to mention it is part of a criminal case whether the Chief of Police wants to pursue it or not.  So the question then becomes, on the new, why did the Chief of Police ignore a DNA report with suspects in favor of something that looks like it was copied, whited out, and xeroxed again.  It starts on Page 2 for God's sake and it probably doesn't contain the correct lab information

In my ten year, after leaving Palm Springs, feeling, now I think that we should have had the arrest made for what we could and find the rest of the stuff during the investigation.  The problem is that we couldn't do it with the PSPD, they were suspects in the crime, certainly officers of interest.  I met my fair share, I know Christopher and Anthony did too.  Jonathan had his setup and arrest, so he knows too.  I always question the wisdom of having the number 3 man in their organization arrested.  Was it a warning?  Was it a jealous fight between Lori and Brian, again.  Could it be that Jonathan was found to be doing things on the inside for us?  Not likely, Jonathan slipped in and out so many times he saw enough.  We never saw him...he was rarely at his place, just Anthony until the time they moved.  That was a hectic period, but I got that apartment and figured at least they would be safe.

Inside job/outside job is lonely.  There is only one of me and I'm pretty much within striking distance for Lori and her brother.  They've done things to people older than my mother and father, that is for sure.  

Right now she keeps trying to force the Christopher thing on me again...I'm sure that if she's talking to him by now, I'm laying in a gutter shooting up.  Ridiculous.

This whole project on my end used this blog as a tool for law enforcement.  If you can dazzle Lori's ego on a website, you stand a good chance of her bigger ego making a huge mistake.  She can't stop herself from trying to get my attention.  She's always been like that.  I'm not interested.

In the end was it wise to know so much about Lori's unmentionables and her clandestine relationships through a person's thinking?  I don't know.  I do know that using this system to stop her was brilliant.  I know that using this as a police wire was a stunning success.  I know that I've done things to keep their GHB from flowing to Palm Springs without people knowing where it came from...they colored it per my advice.  I know that Lori thinks she's in some kind of control over me, but she seems to be losing all the other things that were so important to her.   She's not number one in Palm Springs now....and it doesn't look like they want her back.

She's lost her slot.   Nobody's afraid of her any more.  She's a lot older now at 51, so drug dealing grandma's stick out even bigger than the only girl in the gay community of males.  She isn't one of those apple pie baking grandma's, not that you have to be.  I like my grandma's off speed though.  Nothing worse than that one...toothless and no hope of gettin any.  Staph pipe in her robe.  Her boobs aren't big enough to good thing.  Flashing her neighbors when she gets too high and "in the mood".

I don't know but I'm pretty sure I set it up right.  I know that we got what we wanted.  I just don't want to see Lori going crazier now that she's seen her world turn.