Morally Conscious

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Monday, August 13, 2018

What A Joke: Lori LaFond Is Trying To Use Anthony As Her Beard...LOLOLOL!!!!

I'm not 100% sure where Lori's ideas about "attraction" between people comes from, but, unlike she thinks, not washing does not create a "scent" anyone wants to smell and making Anthony angry certainly isn't the way to get him to jump on your face to "beard" you like you are some kind of straight woman.  I still don't understand where Lori gets this idea that doing something a person doesn't want, makes that person attracted to you?  Does anyone think that there is the slightest possibility that Anthony and Lori LaFond could be friends?  Quite possibly this is a good time for Anthony to speak out about his feelings about Lori and what she has been like.

At any rate let me explain to Lori that when we, as friends, joke with one another, it isn't as funny if YOU, LORI, think that you are a part of it.  Certainly we are making fun of you, but you aren't "one of the guys" hanging out and conversing.  Oh pumpkin muffin, you aren't one of us!  You are on the outside looking in as usual.  Nobody that is a friend of mine is going to pretend that the two of you are "best buddies" or anything like that, least of all Anthony.

He doesn't find Lori to be...his type of person as far as I can tell.

Lori seems to have this thing about making my friends look like they don't like me anymore.  I don't know where she gets that kind of childish understanding about relationships, but I can assure you, I've done nothing out of character for me and my friends know what kind of person that I am.  What is out of character here is Lori.  Though her behavior, FOR HER, is nothing new: Like obsessing over my friends or pretending that people that are my friends are in love with her.  Now she's really off the deep end.  There are very few people in this universe that I would wish Lori on to.  Anthony would be the very last person in this universe to be Lori LaFond's friend.  I know what Anthony is like.  I've seen him very very mad at her before and I know that there is nothing about Brian OR Lori that impresses him.  He's too much of an adult to play with children like Lori.

As I said before Lori tried to get a restraining order against me, Lori has this thing for hunting down my friends for various reasons.  In her restraining order, she completely denies this, but here we are years later and she is still trying to stalk all of my friends through facebook and Verizon Wireless Communications Member lists.  I think that there is a serious problem with private citizens knowing the private information about the members of Verizon Wireless.  I think that this is probably the very best way of stopping Lori from ever doing this again.  Verizon should be on Lori's case right now.  Customer information should be the highest priority of a company as large and successful as Verizon, what their role is in this crime is to be determined, but I can assure you that this kind of information in a terrorist's hands is highly illegal.

So in that restraining order you have Lori LaFond, the 51 year old version, telling people stories about what the truth is.  Bryan Anderson, my police contact that we can verify, and we can verify that Lori knew that to be true, was made into her "four year boyfriend".  My friends, that she doesn't know since high school, are now the subject of all her facebooking and lies and she goes on to tell people that I had some kind of conversation with her sister.  None of this shit is true and is all able to be confirmed.    Every bit of her fantasy world is about me and my friends.  She needs to get off the drugs.

Hey, come to think of it, aren't some of you Verizon Wireless customers?  I'm sure you are.  How do you feel about a Wireless phone company that has such poor security that a serial rapist has access to their system and is using it to track down people to hurt physically.  She looks up their credit information, she knows their addresses, she knows the credit card you pay with....and yet none of these people at Verizon have a clue that she is logging into their system from her home.  If I was a member of that company's wireless communications I would do two, switch to someone else and number two, tell them that this is happening.  Do you know that company had the nerve to charge me $800 and $600 respectively when Lori used this system to portably change my phone number to something else.  This meant that I paid for my own torture.  It is sad.