Morally Conscious

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Monday, August 13, 2018

Thelma and Disease: Hiding Out and Making Bad Decisions

...and as their crime spree began to unravel and the police started to close in, both Missy and Lori, "Thelma and Disease", made a bold decision, held each other's hands and floored it towards, "As-stupid-as-they-can-land" knowing the whole time that it was all Lori's fault.  I like to say that because it makes Lori mad a Missy then they have a girl fight!!!

Only a man would say something like that, huh Lori?

People have suggested to me that Lori does these facebook bombings to get attention from the people that she "still needs to talk to", so she hails them from the internet in the most negative way possible hoping it will arouse them.  It isn't nearly as fun for the rest of us that are having our own reputations dirtied up by the way she tries to handle things.  She's made up so many friends online for Anthony now that he's like a know-it-all of Hollywood.  Lori must think that Los Angeles is just Palm Springs but a teency bit bigger.  Um, Lori, you need to experience more in your life before you start acting like you know Anthony and Jonathan the way I do or Christopher does.

I don't know how to tell Lori and Brian this without upsetting them, but in our friendships, you two are the outsiders and you aren't welcome in.  Every time you show up to our doorstep, wasted as usual, we aren't going to let you in.  Forget it.  We know what you two are there for and we like our things to stay where they are.