Morally Conscious

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Saturday, August 18, 2018

The Filthy Mouth of Lori LaFond

Imagine someone so convinced that they are "something special" that they spend all day and night trying to ruin the lives of people that she initiated contact with and tortured for years.  If that isn't bad enough, she then goes after the families of the victims of her harassment.  I think that what most people think when they hear Lori is that she is on drugs.  They are correct.  Once they have heard her and then check back in a few days later only to hear her screaming and ranting like the first time, they think, "Well she must have started up again."  That's not true.  In every single case of people listening in on my private wire results in people learning that Lori hasn't shut up since the last time they heard her.  Every passing minute that they didn't hear her, she was still on this computer system, spewing the filthiest of language and threats that she can think of.  Then, in the morning, she acts like, "I didn't say that...did I say that?"  

I've just spent three solid days of hearing about how nobody listens to Lori's side of the story.  The last group of people that listened to Lori's side of the story ended up filing a "workplace violence" restraining order against me for a place she didn't work and they fell for every single lie she could tell.  Do you want to be the next person that she bullshits into breaking the law?  The last people were a defense attorney, a commissioner, a district attorney, a commissioner's secretary and God only knows how many others.  She thinks of that as success, but we all know there is a price for the "limited success" she had.  In the end, she isn't the person she says she was, and, she can't take back all the things she said about not knowing any of my friends.

Now that she can't take any of that back, Lori has put herself in a position to explain her crime of pretending to be someone she isn't.  Using the police to help her try to get me in trouble.  Using the Commissioner to get her the restraining order she concocted.  Then she set out to do exactly what "Lisa" does.  She tried to put me in jail with a lie.  It's a very simple case of perjury and then comes the big question.  Why are you following Kevin and his friends around?  How are you able to know everything about them if you aren't doing what Kevin says you're doing?  Why did you follow Kevin and his friends on vacation?  Can't what you do be done from home?  Why would you need to travel to be near them if you didn't intend to make contact?  These are all the REAL questions that have to be answered.

You see what Lori has done is EXACTLY what "Lisa" does.  She lies about who she is and what she does so that she can act like a productive member of society to try to have me arrested.  That's Lisa...100%.  Lori is just mad because she fell into the trap the way it was set up.  Nobody framed her or forced her, she has the past to bolster the things that she's done.  She's done it in the past this way so now it should work again.  The problem is that way too many people know what she has been up to.

Rather than simply take her word for it, police and law enforcement need to see where she's been and ask her questions as to why would she file a restraining order if she is following them?  That's the whole point.  I can prove she went to Sedona.  I can prove my mom made my trip arrangements long before.   Since everything Lori does can be done from home, why did she follow us there.  You don't need to be there in person for Lori to have a conversation with you.  Hell, she screams and yells at me any damn time she feels like it.  The ONLY reason for her to be there with her brother was for a confrontation or to plant drugs.  Those two things require an in person situation.  I certainly didn't meet with her in Sedona...and had no plans to.  Jonathan and Anthony both were confronted while there, in person.

So then afterwards she has the nerve to file a restraining order against me?  Huh?  This is how you know she is lying.

If we had drugs in our possession, Lori would have known that and called the police.  She doesn't need to be there to do that, just ask Christopher Monti who was jailed by Lori without her being within an hour of where he was at the time.  So she knew we didn't have anything like that with us.  You don't bring a gun to a conversation and there was one of those too.  This wasn't some kind of clandestine rendezvous between Anthony and Lori either.  I saw how pissed off at her she was.  He doesn't get that way very often, but boy was he mad.

All we have to show is that Lori was there.  Everything else is just drag. 

We can show that Lori knew we were informants for the police long before we ever left for Sedona, Arizona.  She had a conversation about it with Jonathan, Christopher and others...this also means that Lori was listening in to our conversation with Bryan Anderson because there was NO BLOG at the time that she revealed that Christopher and I were informants...I'd mentioned it to nobody.  Certainly the only point that need be made here is that Lori knew who we were, what we were doing for Bryan and that she recklessly disregarded all of the protections for informants and stalked us to Sedona, Arizona.  Once again, you can see the treachery when you look at Christopher's arrest a few months after that.  If you give her enough time and find a stupid implanted cop, Lori can take away years of your life.  It's sad.

That whole situation arose after Lori managed to force Chief Reyes into believing a false DNA report that my team watched Lori create.  Once he went along with it, Lori was then free to chase us all around again.  Remember, that DNA report came from a rape where my skull was smashed in.  It was so horrible that Lori made a post card of it and sent it around to lots of people.  Trust me, she was proud of that rape.  She was so proud of it that she took pictures, talked to the police about it, possibly videotaped it and ran around bragging about how badly she's "beat my brains out."  This isn't something that the Chief of Police should have ever done.  He opened the cage and let a monster loose.

Now that she's been out and free to roam around trying to stop everyone from telling on her and the police, Lori has become convinced that if she can stop all of us, then she can go back to Palm Springs, California as some kind of "dirty cop hero".  She's been a hero of the dirty cop for a long time, with good reason.  Everyone keeps doing what she says and not what a reasonable person should do.  Personally I take it as a major challenge that the police chief could show me a DNA report, tell me I'm right, then do a complete 180 degree turn as if to say, "I know that you know I'm lying, but there isn't anything you can do about it."  He's challenging the gay community to expose this crime and without too much more help from others, we would have done this already.