Morally Conscious

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Saturday, August 18, 2018

"Rainbow Roots": Slavery In Modern Gay America

Truly, I took some time to really think about using the word "slavery" when I discuss Lori's vision for her domestic terrorist system of surveillance and control.  I have lots of friends that are black and I don't like to misuse or mischaracterize or in any way diminish the plight of the African/American slave.  (Slavery, was, by the way, practiced in many parts of the world at this time with Africans shipped off to all corners of the world.)  Truly slavery, in the context of black people, is in some way very different than what I am talking about here.  In some ways, however, it is very similar.  All anyone ever had to do to understand the plight of the African slave was to read about them, watch movies, talk to people, but in my journey, I watched "Roots".

I remember how powerful some of the scenes with LaVar Burton were and I remember thinking that it was hard to believe that this was the America that I lived in then.  It's sad to think that a country based on freedom could be so controlling and horrifying.  This is something that many minorities experience throughout their quest to become "equal" in America.  Chinese were interned.  Japanese were interned.  Blacks were enslaved for many years before emancipation.  This has traditionally been a country that, once it sees it, it won't tolerate it.  There are definitely hold outs to the concept that all people are created equal, that is for certain.

What I am talking about is a new kind of slavery...a new breed of sexual slave that is custom made for sexual sadists.  The remote neural slave is a concept that I want people to get use to and to identify with.  There are slaves that are physically and mentally abused and there are slaves that are diseased, physically, mentally, financially and legally abused.  Neither is acceptable.  When there are laws in place to keep this from happening and law enforcement isn't complying then what we have here people is a failure to equally protect the people.  Our story may not be "Roots" but I like to think of it as a kind of "Rainbow Roots" because the stories are just as harrowing and just as complicated as American slavery pre-Civil War.

Lori is the worst kind of predator.  I have enough experience and have sought out enough people to listen to her and look at her problems.  She is a sexual sadist, sociopath and master manipulator.  She's turned on by other people's grief, most specifically, gay men.  All night long while she is screaming at me, her hand is allegedly right down her pants.  I'll bet this is something that her family has seen and knows about too.

As soon as the handcuffs are place on a gay man with electronic harassment, Lori begins to have her fun.  She tells the victim that she is going to take them to a "sex party" and that they are going to put the suspect into a man cage where they will be tortured.  I knew when I heard this the night that Kelly Fieux and other officers arrested me.  I knew automatically that we weren't just dealing with a tattletale, we were dealing with a sexual sadist.  Remember, everyone that I know that was implanted was infected with the AIDS virus and a chip to monitor their progress.  Not only does Lori want to throw them in jail, she wants a front row seat.  This is not the actions of a simple tattletale, this is someone that wants to torture people.  She wants them to know she is in control of their life.  This is a situation where she takes over as slave master...and you are left wondering, "How could the police take part in something this evil?"

I hear her every single day trying to control my sexuality and my relationships with my friends.  She doesn't like homosexuals and she especially doesn't like the ones she is stalking having any friendships together.   Lori doesn't want any of us having sex unless, of course, it would be to spread her disease, like she tells us when we are knocked out and infected.  I think the only reason she would like that is that she would have a "ready made" slave for blackmail.  You see Lori likes to watch us until we get the good news that through no fault of our own, we're HIV positive now that we hear voices in our heads.  It's odd how the two go together so quickly.  I know when I was raped, Lori and Brian were on the microphone chatting away about how Peter and Steven had done this to me.  It was ridiculous.  Lori also talked about the millions of cracks that she could see in the MRI results that she got from the lab...I didn't even get to see them and she has an original copy almost by the time I got home!!!

Lori and Brian talked about how bad my injuries were before I ever saw them.  The emergency room didn't show me MRI's, they showed me an xray from a different person.  I know because of the teeth in mine.  As soon as I got home from the hospital, Lori was at her apartment looking at them!!! How bad is that?

So yeah, this whole thing with the police is allowing Lori's fetishes to exist as long as they get their arrests.  I have no problem with fetishes...people are who they are, but Lori's fetish is to knock out, beat, scream at, infect and hit a gay man who isn't able to protect himself.  That's not a fetish, it's a rape.  Rape is rape.  If the person with the smashed skull isn't evidence enough then how about all these men infected by one woman?  This is her fetish.  Infect gay men with HIV, then tell the police it has nothing to do with her...but science has finally caught up with Lori.  You can't have a fetish about infecting gay men with HIV and raping them.  That's like saying to a male rapist, sure you can follow that girl around until you get your chance to rape her.  Who would say that?  There is no such legal fetish as child pornography, rape, non-consensual sex.  The problem is that any gay man that says, "I fucking can't stand someone that would overdose a person on GHB then rape them."  If Lori hears you say it, you go straight to the top of her list.  She wants to rape men that don't like rape.  She even dresses as a man to do it.

Our personal slavery comes when you realize that even walking outside is dangerous in Palm Springs.  So is staying at someone else's home.  The police and Lori have found ways inside of people's homes under fraudulent means....then the person inside can't hide from Lori.  We can't bank, we can't socialize, we can't congregate, for if we do, the police turn it into a "rest stop" so they can arrest whomever walks outside.

I can remember being at Keith Muth's home.  I was there a lot.  I liked to swim and nude sunbathe all within the confines of his own condo.  Lori couldn't stand that any of us would go there because it was gated and she couldn't get in.  So she did the next best thing, she started posting a cop right on the corner to arrest whomever walked out.  This is how Jonathan got arrested and it is where Lori summonsed Ken Moses from the gate to her apartment where she masturbated for him and he rejected her.

This is what happens when Lori gets upset...she starts posting police everywhere.  It's like being a Jew or gay in WWII Germany.  You can't go anywhere or you might not come in point, Christopher Monti.  One minute he's riding a bike he checked out, the next he's sentenced to a year and a half in jail for nothing.  I don't think he even got to go home.  He was on his way somewhere and literally picked up off the street because Lori wanted to flex her mouth muscles.

All of our friends that came over to Keith's knew what was going on too.  We could walk to the side gate and look to see if the cops were sitting there waiting for us.  Nick Andre was no exception.  He was lying in wait for Jonathan Mendenhall to come outside so that Nick could find the drugs that Lori planted in Jonathan's truck.  How do I know that, besides what she said to Nick on the transcript, it's because he opened the back of the truck in a way that even Jonathan couldn't do (it was broken by Brian LaFond and you had to do something special to open it) AND, THIS IS MOST IMPORTANT, he didn't look through the rest of what was in the back of his truck at all.  If he had, he would have found tons of stolen items that Lori and Brian loaded up Jonathan's truck with.  What kind of cop, stops you coming out of a friend's home, then goes, opens your truck in a way you can't, then all of a sudden goes directly to a bag of dope and needle, then proceeds to think he found everything?  Would you think you found everything?  Not really huh?  It was a set up, Nick knew it and so did Jonathan.

We aren't allowed to go to friends' homes or work without Lori hassling us.  I had a steady stream of people going into Two Bunch Palms when I was working there.  You can't escape her because she lies to everyone.  She'll lie just to lie.  She doesn't  live in a reality based world.  She lives in an all day all night gay porn squat house with five other people.  It's sad to think that anyone would have rented to either Lori or Brian.  I want to leave this area tonight if I could.

I do not feel safe here in this area.  I am constantly reminded of the voraciousness of Lori's hatred and the lack of intelligence the other five people in that house have.  Think about it folks, a sociopath only aligns with people that agree with her or people that SHE KNOWS she can manipulate.  Any other person wouldn't work.  Jonathan, for example, would not be pushed around any longer.  He decided that was it for him and he took as much information as he could and left.  These other five people act as if drugs aren't the problem.  They are.   Drugs are always the problem if you are on them.  It gives an added reason for police to bust you.  It is the one factor that a person can control.  This is why I was arrested all those times for "being under the influence" but wasn't convicted.  I wasn't on anything!!! Never.  I have control of that, not Lori.  So try as hard as they did.  The police could never hang something on me like they could other people.  Christopher, once again, didn't have to do ANYTHING TO SPEND A YEAR AND A HALF IN JAIL...NOT ONE SINGLE THING.

The most basic fact of this whole investigation is this.  Lori made up a story about my father and got him arrested when I was in the 6th grade.  I was one of many child witnesses (under 18) in the case.  My father was acquitted and Lori knew that I was one of the witnesses because the guy that she set up to frame my dad was with me the entire time something was suppose to happen.  Since Lori wasn't able to put my father in jail, she blamed me.  I've been her favorite person to fuck with since, "Not Guilty" was read in that courtroom.  Because other people knew what she did, she has kept me at the top of her "hate faggot" list and she is hugely breaking the law by doing this.

She started on my first day of high school...the verdict was the summer before...maybe a few weeks before my first day.   It was a well calculated attempt to hurt the person that made her look like a liar.  So you know what we are up against here.  Look, my father wasn't guilty.  What Lori is trying to do is change all that.  She lied.  She has always lied.  She is the biggest liar I've ever heard of.  She waited until she could isolate me on the first day and blasted me with, "You're a flaming faggot and everyone knows it!!!"  I don't even think I knew where my classes were yet.  I certainly did NOT know who she was and didn't want to.  This is what she is like when she doesn't get her way...she'll force it to happen.  She'll rape it to happen.

She helped to kill my brother in law because of it too.   Then she tried to have me shot at and when that didn't work, she took matters into her own hands and smashed my skull into pieces after putting STD laden female blood up my ass while knocked out.  She wanted to "finish the job" as she tells people...then she took a trip to Sedona, you do the math.