Morally Conscious

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Wednesday, August 22, 2018

She's Not Really A Ghost...She's Just Like You Are, Technically...Implant, Diseases and All

Since we don't have Melissa McCarthy or Chris Hemsworth available all the time, we have to become our own Ghostbusters.  Living in Palm Springs, California, a gay man has to be aware of electronic harassment and the technology's ability to make the criminals appear as ghosts.  Indeed, Lori LaFond, refers to herself as a ghost.  The truth is that all she has is a computer and a microphone.  If she was a ghost, she would be dead and nobody would be infected with HIV AND implanted with these RFID chips.  Lori is tied to both, now.

Nevertheless, when you can scream and yell at people, listen in on conversations and have police contacts, like Lori does, you start to wonder why this "ghost" can't be caught or at least slowed down.  We all know that the crystal meth has one big major role in this crime.  In fact, there are many people that think that a lot of Lori and Brian's problems center on drug usage that is way out of control.  Sometimes Lori can use less and semi-pull-it-together for a few minutes, but then she stabs herself another bad personality and she becomes the Wicked Bitch of Warm Sands.

I guess what I am saying to you is that there is no way a ghost did this to you and Lori is definitely the person in our area that has been involved in the implantation and infection of gay male victims in our area (a few females too).  As far as I know, ghosts don't have STD's.

I think one of the most appropriate ways to interrogate this particular ghost is by taking a page from Lori's own book.  If you haven't noticed, about 90% of all of Lori's questions are based on word association.  Like when you ask her about her brother Brian LaFond or Missy Erickson (aka Missy Pissy).  Whenever you bring those names up she starts to do something that most of us have mastered, but she isn't capable of keeping up.  Just like you, when she says something about a person, she associates things with them.  You can basically ask her anything and she'll, of course, tell you that she isn't herself, but she is.  Just tell her that she is from Sunfair Heights, graduated in 1985 from 29 Palms High School, her best friend is Julie and her real birthday is July 16, 1967 which makes her 51 years old as of this post.  When she tells you that she isn't that person, she is lying to you.  Keep it up, then start asking her personal questions about her friends, Christian Johnson, Leah Fauntleroy, Brian LaFond, Asshole David and Coach Fabian and Missy Erickson.  Tell her stories about going to the Gentlemen's Club titty bar in Cat City.  Then start asking her questions about your own friends that she's hurt.

The reason?  That's easy too.  She lives in a home with these people that have let her talk her fat ass off for so long that now THEY are the people that need to stop her.  If they don't, their own personal secrets will be thought of and we'll have all that information on her transcript.  If she lies to you, just keep asking.  She'll either be stopped or the five people in that house will be exposed to our team, simply by asking her.  Lori doesn't really possess the skills to lead her own thinking astray like I do.

I'm sure many of you have multiple questions that you would like to ask Lori.  Of course, she'll say something snotty and bitchy like, "I am not at liberty to answer those sorts of questions...", but the thing is that she can't stop thinking about them and her answers are just like the way she steals PIN numbers and account information from her victims.  Keep's so important that the people around her learn how to stop her besides just us.

Here is another thing that most people don't realize.  There are many operators on this system.  That simply means that they have access to the webpage where RFID serial numbers are put into the website and it calls up the person that the number corresponds to.  One of the requirements by LORI HERSELF, is that all of the operators have her number and thinking on their screens AT ALL TIMES.  If you don't keep Lori and Brian on the screen at all times, then she will call the police on you and start making your like a living Hell. So people that listen to me, all know what Lori is thinking, because LORI REQUIRES IT.  Guess what?  That makes her thinking admissible in a court room.  Certainly when threatened like that and the operator's own safety is at risk. So all of these operators that DO NOT TALK TO THE POLICE (another of Lori's rules), are simply listening to Lori at her own request.  Keeping Lori thinking is a very good tool to use.  You can watch her commit all kinds of crimes and hateful acts against gay men and their families.  Many people still watch what she is up to, and her brother, to keep their own families safe from her form of terrorism.

That is one rule of Lori's that I completely agree with.  Keep your eyes on her as she requires, that will make it easier for you to testify against her in court.  Then, remember, ask her all the questions that you want.  She may not answer them or may lie, but her thinking will eventually catch her own request. Sorry Lori, you aren't as smart as you think you are.  Bitch Busters is what I like to call it.  I am pretty certain that the law allows you to use her own system to keep yourself safe from her...technicality problem:  You are a witness to the things that she is doing to me and my family (my team as well)..."in defense of another person whose life is in danger".  Remember that phrase...that way we can all tattletale on her and the police officers that she lies to and communicates with.  I want you all to understand, a private citizen using a wireless communication device with police officer is against the law...PERIOD.  Every single officer at the PSPD has signed an agreement that they will not use wireless communication devices at work.  I even think that the Police Chief, Bryan Reyes has one of these and has used it illegally.

The balance of power has shifted from the criminals to the victims who I am now calling the "victors".  There was a time when every single victim of this crime was powerless to stop what Lori and Brian do, but the balance has changed.  Palm Springs and the police department are now on the map as the most dirty of all.  The victim pool is unique and there are too many of us to ignore.

These are people on the other end of this torture, not ghosts.  They can be found and arrested just like we were, but legally.  It's important to remember everyone that WE ARE ALL CREATED EQUAL AND WE STAY THAT WAY!  There is no "upper class" in this crime and when you all realize that you are being tortured by two high school drop outs, you are going to be upset that we didn't do something much smarter than them.