Morally Conscious

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Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Now That I've Gotten That Out Of My System: I'm Looking For Inspiration

There are so many things that happen when you are electronically monitored and you just never know who you can trust.  We can't trust our own police department where many of the cops are also implanted.  They gave their permission to be tagged, so it would seem to me like they are keeping a secret among themselves and dismissing the possibility that other people might/are implanted that didn't give their permission.  Doesn't it make sense to you that if you were using this communication system to sell drugs that you would 1) Want the police to think that this was legal.   2) That you didn't sell drugs and you knew people who did (which seems odd in and of itself)  3) If these people that Lori and Brian turn in to the police knew that they were implanted that they would act differently, take less risks 4) Make up a lie about where the system came from and how it works  5) Act as innocent as you possibly could.

All the factors included in what I am trying to teach you, exist.  Where there wasn't an explanation before, now there is one.  There is an explanation beyond the "Warm Sands Sting" operation that wasn't possible before.  There is a reason why there is an urban legend about "the girl in Palm Springs".  The police have to have seen a lot of people that came through their booking area that seemed odd and were asking the cops odd questions.  I'm assuming that for a while that the police must have found people in their cars, passed out, that had no explanation as to why they fell out.  This is what happens when someone is drugged and doesn't know it, then gets into a car to drive.  People on meth don't black out.  They're called tweekers for a reason, because they stay up and tweek with things: taking a phone apart and try to fix it or start painting their home and never finish.  With a strong knock out drug, there is a learning curve as to when to administer it.  

I've been drugged with whatever they use to knock people out, several times.  It's like a missing period of time.  When you black out, you're out.  Then I would wake up to lotion being sprayed all over my walls, like I sprayed it there while I was blacking out.  Then it dawns on you...I didn't do did that get all over the walls?  Whatever it is, paralyzes you inside of your body and you can appear to be awake, but you can't speak and you don't have any memory of what happened while you were out.

There is no doubt that I have massive trust issues.  This kind of torture lends itself to it.  First, many of the victims are infected with HIV without any risky behavior.  With me there was absolutely no sex or drugs when I got it...I mean none!  So automatically you think who did I get this from?  Later when you know someone microchipped you, you realize that you don't remember anything about you got a disease and microchipped.  Now, you begin to think, "God it could have been anyone."  I didn't go to a party or anything.  I woke up this way.  So trust issues begin from the very gave me what I call, "a healthy paranoia" about people.  Kind of that, "please don't touch me without permission feeling."  Remember too, that I was being followed almost from the it's not paranoia if they really are following you, and they were.  Who are they?

We're probably going to have to rely on Jonathan Mendenhall for the explanation as to where the "car stalker" and "street stalkers" are found.  My theory is that they don't know "the real reason" that they are following you. Someone has told them a pretty horrible lie about you because you can see it on their scowling faces and by how close they stand next to you in the grocery isle.  There were so many of these people in San Diego, but they use to follow me in Palm Springs too.  "Crystal Chevrolet" or "1199 Foundation" was on their license plates.  The 1199 Foundation is a police thing for gathering funds for the families of fallen officers in need.  They are all uniform and most of the cars have's too much of a coincidence.  Would you notice if every car that passed you on the road had the exact same bumper sticker?  I did.

That's one reason that I didn't trust people.  The other happens when the victim thinks that they are the only person that this has happened to.   If the victim doesn't know that there are hundreds more like him in Palm Springs, then Lori and Brian can send other implanted victims to intercept you.  They aren't nice or Lori gets mad at them.  They will steal from you, lie to you, leave doors and windows unlocked and put your safety at risk.  They seem like unfriendly locals...but the truth is that they are zombies that have been implanted for some time that know, "If I do what Lori tells me to do, then she won't be such a nagging bitch to me."  It's the "hurt someone else for me or I'll hurt you" approach that Lori uses that is hard to see unless you know.  These zombies work in teams too.  I've even seen them wearing matching clothes, shirt and shorts the same color...on and on.  Some of these people wear the same color on a day so that they can identify each other, so it isn't like it's the FBI or something...they would know each other and not be so obvious.  Think about sit down then an army of people wearing pink show up.  It's scary.

In fact, the day that I met Christopher, he was suppose to be there to beat me up.  Seriously, that why Lori sent him to my ex-boyfriend's house.  I'm sitting on a bench in his yard, tired, sad and confused, and then this guy (Christopher) comes walking down the driveway, very handsome and asks me if I was recently in San Diego, where he'd been raped.  I was from there but hadn't been back in years.  He told me that some guy, David Beach, or someone, had raped him like I described above.  I'd been through that for sure in the house we were both standing in front of, maybe 6 or 7 months earlier.    He asked me if I was there, I said no but I'd been through something like that recently.  He then asked me if I thought it was the same people and since Brian was talking to me in my head, I knew it was them.  They admit to it, but at the time, I didn't know who "they" were.

Lori sent Christopher over to my ex's home to beat me up and it turned out differently.   This is a phenomenon that happens with me.  Lori tells someone to go somewhere to steal or hurt me, then they meet me and see that I'm not like what she told them and they are nice.  Now that I have the reputation as the guy that stops that mean girl from hurting's gotten better.   (Today it will probably  Lori's behavior can be quite erratic and I'm not.  She's not really impressive in the brains or body department and I'm good there.  Lori tends to be violent and I'm passive.   I don't really have a need for people that are violent now that I'm 50 years old.  It's not me...and I don't really like having conflict.  Lori, lives for conflict especially if she can say that she caused it.  Then she starts acting like everything I do is because she caused it.  That's not true either.  Shit happens, you deal with it quickly, it doesn't linger. If you don't deal with it, like a tweeker, you will have to deal with it in one big lump and that's not how you stay sober.