Morally Conscious

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I highly recommend Ella Free's website FFTI: Freedom For Targeted Individuals
This website is amazing and comes with lots of information for people from credible sources. It's one of the best I've ever seen and Ella is a really great Podcast host as well!!!

Monday, December 11, 2017

Sexual Sadism and Lori: Why Is Everyone So Much Less Important Than She Is To Herself?

It would seem odd to the lay person that someone that doesn't know you would take such an obsessive interest in your life.  Most people that have heard of this crime of "cause stalking" and "electronic harassment" generally throw out the idea because they have a "normal attitude" towards other people.   Often you hear these people say, "Who would have the kind of time to put into something like this?"  I think for me the oddness comes in when you consider how "little" she feels for others, but how important they become in her mind.

Literally, I can't talk to a female without Lori wondering about the size of her breasts or why I am nice to her and not Lori, herself.  Now, for most of you, it is obvious why I would never want to be near this girl or know her.  She's been trying to put family members of mine in the grave or jail since she was in the 6th or 7th grade.  When you read the restraining order that she put before the court, you see that she tells people that she knows nothing about me since high school.  The truth is that she didn't know anything about me then either.  She knew who I was and that was about it.

What I am finding out now is that she actually took the time to try to find out where I was living and what I was doing even then.  Somehow I knew, call it instinct, that she was doing this though.  I purposefully did not go places or see people that I knew she would be around.  Thus I was able to avoid many circumstances where Lori had set up an ambush for me.  For a kid, this is hard to deal with.  As an adult, I've learned to reason and still it seems odd that a person that knows who is doing this to them would still try to come after me.  The attacks have become more personal and the line between what she wouldn't say and what she says now is completely gone.

There is a huge sexual overtone to everything that she does.  The more testosterone that she takes and the more meth that she uses, the more sexually aggressive she gets.

Literally, I can't masturbate without her having her friend Christian talk constantly about her.  I am not feeling it at all.  Lori isn't someone that I would ever think of sexually or personally.  I don't like her.  I don't want her to come around me.  I don't want to see her and I want her to stop talking to my friends.  She flatly refuses.  As if she is forcing her way into my life like an unwanted rapist.

There seems to be no limit line as to what she will do or try any longer because she has no ability to reason how guilty she looks.  She simply "forgets about it" and continues to harass me day and night like some kind of obsessed Glen Close character.  The problem is that I have a boyfriend that I love and I have no sexual desires for anyone else.  I'm not that sexual, but Lori believes that every person is constantly looking for sex.  That's simply not the way I am.  I am not using drugs nor do I have any desire for anyone other than Christopher on a romantic level.  This makes her extremely mad.  For some reason she thinks of me as "sexual property" because of all the years that she has stalked me and denied it to everyone. 

I have never been attracted to this person.  I'm not even trying to be mean, I'm simply not attracted to her on any level.  She does absolutely nothing for me in any way.  Her personality is shit.  Her attitude is shit.  Her appearance is not appealing.  She's a woman and I'm gay.  I'm simply not interested in her at all.

This seems to turn her on.  This is what Lisa is all about.  The less you find her attractive the more she wants you dead.  I'm not going to let any of you ever believe that I ever did anything to this girl.  This blog is simply my way of saving Christopher and myself from her lifetime of hate.

I've heard that these "rape videos" are packaged as "Kevin's Friends"...and that is the reason why I can't stay silent.  I don't want another friend of mine, tied up, raped and infected because Glen Close is following me around looking to hurt them.

If anyone tries to stop me from doing this they have committed a crime.  They can't silence a witness from telling his story.  My story is too closely linked to my friends.  Jonathan is in the same position that I am and we both have an obligation to tell the truth.