Morally Conscious

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I highly recommend Ella Free's website FFTI: Freedom For Targeted Individuals
This website is amazing and comes with lots of information for people from credible sources. It's one of the best I've ever seen and Ella is a really great Podcast host as well!!!

Monday, October 30, 2017

Workplace Violence? How About Workplace Stalking...Lori Tries Again To Get Me Fired!!!

Still playing with phone number, is she?

You would think that Lori and her brother would learn something by now...don't fuck with me when it comes to work!  I work really hard for my new boss and his family because I like them very much!  They are some of the nicest and kindest people that I've worked for.  

Using remote neural monitoring, Lori has, once again, tried to cause a problem with my work...apparently.   Here's what she did.

I have one report that I have to fax to my boss' father every night.  I use to punch the phone number into the fax machine and Lori's fat assed brother would forward that fax number to someone else's fax machine and steal the report.  It isn't anything really all that important that she is stealing, but you can see that if this was a police report or something from the PSPD, that it could give a criminal private information that two drug dealing siblings should not have.   The information that I fax, is private, but what Lori allegedly does is assign the receiver's number to someone else's fax line and they end up getting the fax, not my boss' father.  I realized that this was happening when my manager would tell me, "You forgot to fax the report last night, " when I knew I had.   
Knowing that Lori forgets numbers easily, I decided to pre-program the receiver's number into our fax machine so that I didn't have to think about it any more...that way Lori would forget the number and wouldn't know what it was.    So now I just push #1 and send the fax without thinking of the number.  I get a transmission report that shows it went at a certain time and date to the number, but for some reason it isn't getting there.  So who is receiving these faxes?  If you are, then Lori is the person behind the number swapping.

I keep all the fax trans reports and the "ok" receipts every single night.  The other person that I work with also was having trouble getting faxes through...that's because Lori forgot the fax number of the receiver...and can't reassign it.

He punches in the fax number because he CAN think about it without Lori knowing...but it still wasn't going there.  I can't think of it or Lori will have the number again.

Neither of us is forgetting to send this fax, it's just Lori playing games again trying to get me fired, but what she isn't counting on are all of the safeguards that I have put into place that show that everything on my end was done!  Someone is playing with my boss' fax machine which is a federal crime!!!

So, if the Chief of Police ever wonders how we got a copy of the DNA report from my rape know the one that he seems to not remember....he only has Lori to thank for it.  A simple email from one officer to another, which we all know Lori logs into using officer's passwords, that says, "Send me a fax of that DNA report from Kevin Bond's file," and viola...the fax was right there in Lori's apartment.  This, by the way could have been the same apartment that the Chief, himself, warned me not to go to or to the email address and IP Address where Lori is located now.  This is what we call a HUGE security risk.

Can't you just hear her now?

"I would never do something like that..."

Except for one thing...we have it.  We have lots of things that Lori kept from the police like videos from their surveillance cameras inside of the police department when these "faggots" were arrested.  Like the one with my "beekeeper" spit guard on it or the one where the police are holding Christopher Monti down and taking his blood against his will and without a warrant.  There are lots of them.   The added bonus is that one of my team tape recorded Lori while these videos were being you can hear what she is telling police officers as they are committing these acts.  When you put the sound with the video, you finally know what Lori is telling the cops as they commit these crimes against us.  

It's so odd to think that Lori believed that she would get away with this for so's a huge breach of the public trust to have a police department with a compromised City of Palm Springs email system...oh yeah, the City Council's emails are also compromised.  You thought Hillary had problems, just wait until you read some of the stuff that Lori sent cops like..."Go ahead and do that sting operation in Warm Sands that way Bryan Anderson...we approve it!"  This is how good cops end up getting into big trouble without any explanation.

Lori just loves to make men look bad.  Not so funny now is it Chief?