Morally Conscious

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I highly recommend Ella Free's website FFTI: Freedom For Targeted Individuals
This website is amazing and comes with lots of information for people from credible sources. It's one of the best I've ever seen and Ella is a really great Podcast host as well!!!

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Lori Is Seeing Another Way To Draw Me In: Typical Stalker Behavior From What I Understand

I spent all night long listening to Lori plotting and planning again, trying to figure out another way to draw me into her sick world.  I'm not interested.  This is typical stalker behavior.  They say and do things to their victims and act like they are being victimized but they are the ones doing all of the stalking.  I have one thing to say.  I want nothing to do with Lori.  I pose absolutely no threat to her in any way.  I want her out of my life completely.  I have told all of you that I seek an non violent and peaceful solution to this problem.  I want to have her blood tested for HIV and to have her DNA tested to match the blood found at my rape.  We have the report.  That's all I've said.

She knows it.

Other than that there is nothing that I want.

I have never wanted her near my family or my friends and I don't want her to contact anyone that I know.  She needs to quit pretending to be other people and stalking them online.

Until there is a court order for these things from a federal court outside of the Coachella Valley and an independent lab outside of Riverside County doing the testing, I, the victim of this crime, will not be silent.  It is my right to know the truth about who raped me.  There is plenty of evidence that she has told people about my HIV since long before the second rape about my HIV infection about what she knew about me...long before anyone could have known.  Only she did this.  She alone needs to explain how she knew this.

I also am offended that anyone would say that I have ever done anything more than defend myself.  I've been shot at and attacked.  Lori has not one single scratch on her...I am the victim of this crime as far as I can tell, not her.  I am the one with the broken skull and the HIV since I was 19 without sex or drugs at the time.  I'm the victim that deserves answers.  She volunteered the information about my sexuality, sex life and my alleged "promiscuity" to anyone that would listen.  She needs to explain how she knew anything about me now.

I'm not impressed with the continued attempts to lie to police about me when all I've done is live my life and she's told people about it.  It's not my fault that she isn't happy with my successes, she can't continue to follow me around and act innocent like she does.  She followed me to Sedona and then filed a restraining order against me...that is factual.