Morally Conscious

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I highly recommend Ella Free's website FFTI: Freedom For Targeted Individuals
This website is amazing and comes with lots of information for people from credible sources. It's one of the best I've ever seen and Ella is a really great Podcast host as well!!!

Thursday, December 29, 2016

My New Obsession: Panic! at the Disco's "Death of a Bachelor" Album and Brendon Urie (Let's Be Friends...Sarah Too!!!)

If you haven't been smart or lucky enough to buy a Panic! at the Disco album yet, do yourself a humongous favor and buy the latest one.  "Death of a Bachelor" is a terrific way to introduce yourself to probably one of the most innovative voices and bands out there.  I liken Brendon Urie's voice to Danny Elfman's style with Oingo Boino's music and a whole lot of Brian Setzer's Rocakbilly style with swing and jazz and umph!  It's just so much different than anything I've heard in so darn long.  There's just creativity oozing out of the jacket sleeve.  I know this is like the band's umpteenth album and my apologies to Brendon for not giving him the kind of praise that he's deserved for a long time, but this guy is like a musical time machine traveler from the past way into the future.  A steampunk traveler that goes from style to style to style...with so much flare.   I'm a huge fan of "LA Devotee", "Victorious", "Hallelujah", "DOAB", "The Good, The Bad and The Dirty"...this album rips!!!!

I also was really lucky enough to find "Vices and Virtues" in a $5 bin yesterday and man is that a sweet find!!!  Just as good Brendon!!!!  "The Ballad of Mona Lisa" is already one of my favorite songs!!!!  I haven't heard a song on that album either that I don't like!  Where have I been???

This is his beautiful new wife Sarah O. (don't even try to make me pron. her last name!).  She's so beautiful!  I wanted to ask them if they wanted to be friends with Christopher and myself?  So how about it you guys?  Want to be friendly with an advocate for the gay community and a Lutheran priest?  We like your style!  Let Josh and Tyler know or G-Eazy!