Morally Conscious

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I highly recommend Ella Free's website FFTI: Freedom For Targeted Individuals
This website is amazing and comes with lots of information for people from credible sources. It's one of the best I've ever seen and Ella is a really great Podcast host as well!!!

Thursday, December 8, 2016

It's A Rainbow Sloth Day!

Rather than do what people what me to do, which is bitch and complain about how horrible people have treated this project and the victims of this crime, I've decided that today is a Rainbow Sloth Day.  This is a day, much like a Rainbow Unicorn Day, where I refuse to do what the "God Who Decides What Will Happen To Kevin and His Family" wants me to do and I tell you what I am going to do instead.  Instead of telling you what the truth is, I'm going to let you know why I am frustrated about the situation is.

First of all, I am dying to work.  I haven't owed my parents a dime in years.  I don't like having a debt to anyone.  For the first time in ten years or more, I owe someone money and I hate it.  I've never liked that feeling.  I don't like it now. Three weeks before Christmas, I like it even less.

For months now I've been playing, can I work, can't I work with Social Security Disability knowing that if I don't have it, I have to find a way to pay for my more than $4,000 a month HIV meds for the HIV that I got from the same girl that is stalking me right this very minute.  I didn't have sex with her.  I didn't use drugs with her.  She knocked me out, when I was 19 years old, and intentionally infected me with it before my life began.   Why?  Who knows.  She had been stalking me since I was 10 or 11 years old and this was the first chance she got to end my life.  She thinks that will make her feel better.  It wasn't the first time she tried to hurt me, it was like the hundredth or thousandth, but this time she wanted me dead.  Never the less, I have to find a way to work at a job or keep my insurance and work.  Seems easy?  Look at my skull (click on the pictures to the right of this page).  Do you think that brain works very well?  It doesn't.  It aches day and night.   

Same girl, smashed my head. Twenty years later.  Got away with it again.

Since then it's been, I get a job, she calls the job and gets me fired.  I get another job, make a success out of it, she calls, lies and gets me fired.  I get another job, she calls, lies, and gets me fired.  In other words, You have a guy here that has never had a problem in the world getting any job he's interviewed for (I've gotten every sing one), I've always made a success of it and then comes the harassment.  I can't even work at a job now without her going crazy...she goes absolutely nuts.  She's employed another friend to help her.  There is video of other drug addicts coming inside and beating up people at my work for Laurie.  This has gotten dangerous.  So working has to be done in a certain way.  I can't work around kids or she will start telling people shit like I am a child molester; not true, I'm actually a credentialed teacher.  I can't work in public.  I can't work anywhere except with the police...and there was a job available in my own case.  Guess what, her friend took that job away too.

So here I am on a Rainbow Sloth Day...literally dying to work!!!  

I'm stuck in this position of being held hostage by the police, by my boyfriend, by my friends, by my family, by every single person that I tried and succeeded in helping.  They just forgot.  They forgot the person that helped them.  They decided that they were more important than the whole.  One person left for Laurie to torture and kill.  My story isn't any different today than it was when I was 11 years old.  A mean bigoted hateful little girl going around threatening everyone not to tell on her and a group of adults acting like children pretending to know what is best for me by lying to everyone else.  It's torture.  It is absolute terrorism.  Mental, emotional, biological terrorism.  Ten years of terrorism following twenty years of terrorism.  It's hate on top of hate.  I bled to make this case work.  I gave up so much of my life to save other people and then they turned their backs on me.  One by one they all turned dirty.

The reason they all do this is money.  When money comes along and helps them, they listen to the money and not to anything else.  They don't care about any of their friends any more.  Their boyfriends don't matter.  Their dead friends don't matter.  Their families don't matter.  All that matters is money.  Money, money, money.  The cops only care about money.  The parents only care about money.  My friends only care about money.  Only one man has this kind of money to do this.  Ten years of terrorism and there is only one way this could have happened with the case that I had ready for prosecution.  MONEY.  There is no lower form of hatefulness than exploitation of victims of crime. These victims have totally forgotten the other victims.  Their lives were spared by a gazillionaire who now holds them up as trophies for his showcase of "people he helped" as if that makes him some kind of hero.  He doesn't realize that sacrificing the family that got hurt the most was the only way that he was able to acquire them.

This year the bagillionaire acquire three really impressive trophies for his mantle piece of humiliation of Kevin.  Kevin's Boyfriend.  Kevin's Two Best Friends.  Three important people now sit on his mantle piece as a way to show all of you how terrific he is.  Are you impressed?  He and his wife managed to buy my three best friends and turn them into his lapdogs.  A priest, a cop and a best friend, what a fucking accomplishment.   Do you think that makes me look bad or do you think he looks like a tiny man trying to look powerful?  I am ashamed of them.  As you can imagine, I am highly disappointed in all three.  I held them up as people that "would never work against me" and, of course, money proved me wrong.

These are three trophies that Laurie could never have earned on her own, but Jeffrey could.  So he bought them.  He kept promising them and promising them that he wouldn't do what he did, then he did it anyway and looked at them like, "So what? I guess I lied."  By then it was too late.  All three sunk like stones to the bottom of the friend ocean.  Lost forever.  Just another casualty in the war with the family that I helped way more than I should.

I should never have helped these people.  The lesson I've learned.  NEVER help a family with money.  NEVER.  They don't need it and what they will do with it isn't what you will think.  They have no gratitude.  They think that you should respect them for absolutely no reason at all.  Yesterday's biggest revelation, "Jeffrey doesn't think that I appreciate him enough.  None of you do either."   I am supposed to respect and appreciate a man that ruined ten years of my life, moved in with my boyfriend and took my two best friends and humiliated me with them.  If I don't then what?  Sounds a whole lot like extortion doesn't it.  "Do what I tell you to do or I'll do something else to you!"  Guess what?  I don't roll that way!  That's the way Laurie does things.  I don't back down to bullies.  You bully me, I punch you in the face!   ( Metaphorically speaking)

I want all three of these men to look my father in the face, with Bryan Anderson, and tell him what the truth is.  Tell him that they don't know anything.  Better yet, do it with Mrs. Mendenhall there.  Let's see just how far you four are willing to go for Jeffrey now.