Morally Conscious

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I highly recommend Ella Free's website FFTI: Freedom For Targeted Individuals
This website is amazing and comes with lots of information for people from credible sources. It's one of the best I've ever seen and Ella is a really great Podcast host as well!!!

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Why Knowing Laurie Is Like A High School Slasher Movie In Real Life

If you hear her talk when she isn't in front of someone that she really wasn't friendly with in high school, you'd think she was the killer in a high school slasher film called, "All Cheerleaders Die", as if anyone that was a cheerleader had anything to do with her or she had anything to do with them.  She's like some kind of sick psycho that tells everyone that she's something "special" when all she's really done is lie to everyone about what she is really like.

In those films, you are always trying to figure out who the killer is.  In this case, nobody will really be surprised.  I know I won't be.  Anyone that really knows her also knows that Laurie shouldn't really be near anyone from high school.  If they know what she's done to me, they would be worried about her doing the same thing to someone else.  She's nothing like she is pretending to be.  I just saw it.  I know from things that have been written, BY HER, that she is a bald faced liar still.  I know that she isn't, at all, the person she tells people that she is.  I've seen the results of all of her hatefulness; she knows that I know who she is too.

I think that one of the worst things about this is knowing that she is planning something and not having someone to help me stop her.  I know one thing for sure: She's up to something again.  I don't know who she is trying to pull something over on, but it isn't going to be me.  There have been way too many factual coincidences for her not to be the person...even if everyone says she isn't.

It's funny that a girl that nobody did anything to, but was involved in so much destruction, could actually act like she needs to get some kind of high school reunion revenge on people that she doesn't know and never did anything to her.  I certainly had nothing to do with anything evil that she did...she's apparently been following me for a very long time according to Jonathan Mendenhall.

I simply don't understand the concept of the high school bully going to everyone's high school reunions acting like she's some kind of big shot that everybody should now be in awe of.  I'm not the least bit impressed with her, her mouth or the things she's said about my family;  I'm not about to act like I am or that I forgive her for it.  Remember folks, all of my friends since then have been contacted by this girl and many of them now have HIV.  I don't know for sure that anyone that I know since high school doesn't have some kind of idea of what a bitch she is.