I want to approach this scenario in a way that will make people understand what it is like being intentionally infected with the HIV virus and tracked for the progression of the disease. I hope this will help all of you understand that when the Palm Springs' victims of this crime tell you it is like being a "guinea pig", you can understand.
In 1987 when I was intentionally infected by a woman without my knowledge, I am certain that she felt that some gay man had given her this disease. Forgetting that safe sex is a two person responsibility and that HIV was well into the news at the time, I am imagining that this woman was angry. If it is the woman that I know, she already has a huge axe to grind with gay men. We also know that this woman has an affinity for sex with gay men that she hates. I know that sounds odd, but that is the case.
What I think is that her hatred for gay men and desire to have anal sex with one culminated in her getting the HIV infection in the late 1980's. Unlike myself, this woman decided that she would infect everyone that she could, not knowing that someday those infections could be genetically traced back to her. Additionally, this woman loves to watch other people go through the same pain that she did finding out that she was HIV positive. You can assume that she knows she is by the infection given to gay men...she has to know that she has something, right?
At the same time, she and her brother have these RFID chips that her lawyer would later make fun of. If you read the restraining order, you would think that the lawyer for the City of La Quinta doesn't think that it is possible for a human being to be implanted with such devices. She needed to educate herself instead of telling me that I was "sniffing glue". Totally unprofessional. This is really ridiculous when you consider that the police officers from the City of Palm Springs are already outfitted with these devices. She could have done herself a big favor and contacted Sgt. Anderson when she read that I was his informant.
Knowing that she was infected before they could genotype the HIV virus in the 1980's, this woman embarked on a campaign of knocking out, infecting and implanting men and women with these chips. At the time she and her brother must have thought that there is no way anyone would find out that it was them. Forward to 2015. Now the virus can be traced to the person whom infected you and you can tell a whole lot about them. Their sex, familial similarities and how many infections they have depending upon when you were infected. In short, even if we couldn't get a blood sample from the brother or sister, we could get it from their mom, dad or any sibling to match the DNA from the infectious person. How could she have ever known this would happen?
These devices would allow the sibling to listen in to the drama caused by the infection, but it also provided them with something else. As treatments got better and better, the siblings could track healthy victims to see what they were taking via their doctor's prescriptions. If they stayed in the area, the pair could steal the very medications that a health victim was taking. Thus, my prescriptions for HIV treatment that rendered me undetectable after 28 years, were stolen and taken to Sedona, the same time that the petitioner from the City of La Quinta followed me there.
It has become clear that the homophobic fears that the siblings associate with HIV and the stereotypes keep them from getting the free insurance and medications available to them. Anyone can get treatment for HIV, but neither wants to admit that they are positive. They both have seen the steps that their victims have gone through to get insurance and free medical care, but they would rather steal our medication to treat themselves. The first reason, I imagine, is because we did all the work for them but the second is so that the victims WOULDN'T HAVE WHAT THE SIBLINGS KNEW WOULD KEEP THEM ALIVE. HIV medications are super duper expensive and replacing them if they are stolen is not easy.
Police officers know one thing for sure. Whenever Laurie is handling one of her "problems" with one of us, she is sure to tell them that we are homosexuals and that we have HIV. Once they arrest us, one of the two enters our home and our meds are gone. That's a hate crime on two levels. HIV and Gay...if you arrest us for Laurie and we are infected, she is involving you in two hate crimes. The crime of taking away the civil rights of an HIV patient and the rights of a gay person using illegal surveillance.
There is no doubt that Laurie knows all about the meds that we take to keep us undetectable. There is no doubt that she stole mine and had them in Sedona, Arizona. Nobody steals HIV meds unless they are infected, there is no other reason unless she just wanted me to get sick and die. Either way, she is in Arizona with my pills for a reason. Because they work on her virus? Because it was another way to hurt me? Because she knows that they are expensive? The one really good thing about these meds, beside the fact that they work on her virus, is that they have to be taken every single day, so she would have to steal them once a month to have enough to treat herself. With 600 victims in the area and keys to most of their homes, it isn't hard to see that she is treating herself using her own victims' medications. I know she use to steal Steven Freys...I knew he was on meds then they would be gone.
Guinea pigging a treatment for the person or persons that infected me is absolutely unbearable. After all that these victims have been through to have this happen is probably lower than any crime I've ever heard of. I lived long enough to live through medication and now she wants to take that too? The HEP C attempt to infect me came a bit too late too, now that there is a cure for that. So what's next?
This reminds me of something to tell Sgt. Anderson. The roommate before Kendrick Davis was a guy that I knew from the Ranch, his name was Kevin too. I know that Laurie told you that she'd been in that sober living home before. I know of two times. First of all the home was for MEN ONLY. She went there knowing that I lived there and stole some things from me, but went into my bathroom and allegedly rubbed her staph infections on the bath towels. I got a horrible staph infection on my shoulder. I've heard that both Laurie and her brother get these, but the way that they treat them is to infect the targets that they are watching with the staph infection and when they get bactrim to treat the infection, Laurie and Brian steal this to treat themselves. Without any insurance, this is how they get treated for these infections. Jonathan Mendenhall can elaborate on this. I can't believe that anyone would intentionally infect someone that they are stalking so that they could then steal their medication. Lower that the lowest form of scum bag on Earth.
It's like a live harvesting of bodies of their victims. Just like a Blue Widow to stick them in her web, poison them and wait for them to die. We're hosts for them to feed off of. In the meantime, while they wait for us to get sick, they plot and plan to steal, harass, jail and humiliate us. They use the police to enforce this whole plan of degradation and humiliation if we don't do what they want, Laurie even tells you that. If you do get put in jail, like Steven Frey, she tells you, "See what happens Steven when you don't do what I tell you?" Now that is true humiliation.
This reminds me of something to tell Sgt. Anderson. The roommate before Kendrick Davis was a guy that I knew from the Ranch, his name was Kevin too. I know that Laurie told you that she'd been in that sober living home before. I know of two times. First of all the home was for MEN ONLY. She went there knowing that I lived there and stole some things from me, but went into my bathroom and allegedly rubbed her staph infections on the bath towels. I got a horrible staph infection on my shoulder. I've heard that both Laurie and her brother get these, but the way that they treat them is to infect the targets that they are watching with the staph infection and when they get bactrim to treat the infection, Laurie and Brian steal this to treat themselves. Without any insurance, this is how they get treated for these infections. Jonathan Mendenhall can elaborate on this. I can't believe that anyone would intentionally infect someone that they are stalking so that they could then steal their medication. Lower that the lowest form of scum bag on Earth.
It's like a live harvesting of bodies of their victims. Just like a Blue Widow to stick them in her web, poison them and wait for them to die. We're hosts for them to feed off of. In the meantime, while they wait for us to get sick, they plot and plan to steal, harass, jail and humiliate us. They use the police to enforce this whole plan of degradation and humiliation if we don't do what they want, Laurie even tells you that. If you do get put in jail, like Steven Frey, she tells you, "See what happens Steven when you don't do what I tell you?" Now that is true humiliation.