Morally Conscious

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Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Isn't She Attractive? Wouldn't You Want To Be Just Like Laurie?

Something that has always amazed me about Laurie LaBlabbermouth, is her ability to diminish her shortcomings and accentuate your problems.  Most of this is done with lies, innuendo, more lies and gossip.  I guess that she thinks it is cute or funny to be the person that knows "the dirt" on someone.  Isn't it odd how most people are quick to believe the "dirt" but forget the "dirty person" it is coming from.  I grew up in a small town; small town gossip is why I left.  I think that I have learned one really terrific lesson about people like Laurie; nobody is safe from her lies.  You aren't special, what she just bragged about to you about someone else, is the same thing she'll be telling someone else about you the second you leave the room.

She diminishes her endless gossip sessions about other people by calling it "gilding the lilly", "mischievous", "fibbing", "a little white lie", but the truth is that she's all about tearing someone apart, limb by limb.  Nowhere was that more obvious than when I returned to this small town and saw, first hand, the damage that trashy big mouth of hers had caused.  You see she thought she'd ruin me here, in a place that I really could give a damn about, and what I found out was that I like it even less now than I did before.  I know who I am.  I know what I've done.  For Laurie to have spread these and other rumors about me to people that know my family and friends, wasn't nearly as shocking as how she knew it.  What she now faces is the question, "So how did you know all these things about Kevin when you did?"  Let me dispel the rumors now.

1.) Nobody that I know from my past is friendly with her brother Brian.  I didn't even know he existed until I moved back here.  Laurie likes to say that he was "friendly with people in San Diego" that I knew...THAT IS A FARKING LIE!  My friends wouldn't ever befriend someone like him.  Period.  I give them more credit than they know.  None of my college friends knew her except one that lived near her in Sunfair growing up.  She also wouldn't tell Laurie anything about me negative.

2.) There are many incidents that have happened in my life and very few people know about them.  I keep a lot to myself but think about them from time to time.  It is safe to say that nobody knows everything.  Laurie has spent a great deal of time trying to figure out how she knows the things that she blabbed about to everyone thinking that I must have told someone...I didn't.  She knows bits and pieces from my own thinking...and she knows lies that I thought about once I knew she was reading my EEG's...those were meant to find out whom she was.   It worked.

3.)  Laurie likes to tell people that at my job at the Justice Department that I was, "a bad employee", "got fired", "wasn't smart" and so forth.  That's another huge lie.  I was the model employee, a spotless record, well respected and promoted at every single chance.  What she isn't telling you is how it made her feel knowing that a person she was following was thriving and succeeding in a world where she'd painted me something else.  She simply couldn't make the reality fit the fantasy that she'd made up.  How could she take down her biggest enemy when I didn't even think about her at all.  I think she had a few dry runs with her brother and a gun...then she tested it out on me.  Laurie rarely tries something new.  Repetition is the key to her successes and failures.

What I really want to know is WHY WOULD ANYONE LISTEN TO HER IN THE FIRST PLACE AND WHY WAS I SO IMPORTANT FOR HER TO TELL ON? Truthfully, I didn't spend one minute of my life thinking about her the second she graduated from high school.  In fact, I remember seeing her graduating and thinking, "Thank God, she's gone!!!"  I think she was wearing a Hawaiian Lei if I am recalling this correctly!  I had many friends that graduated on that day...but when they called her name, I think I recall thinking, "'s finally over, good riddance".  She and her friend Julie had terrorized me for years.

I was thinking back this morning to the time when I was voted the Homecoming Prince for my class.  What should have felt good and cool didn't.  All I remember thinking was, "This is going to be awful.  Now that girl is going to get worse.  It's dangerous being someone popular with her around."  It wasn't my favorite thing, it was scary until the day it was over.  I'm wondering if my friend Kelly felt the same.  It was like being put in front of the school while someone in the crowd had a gun.  In a way, it still feels like that, only now she aims at me and my friends.  Most of them have been hit too.  It's not a good feeling.

I would get this feeling again in my junior year when I campaigned for Student Body Vice President and I had to put up posters all over school.  I could just imagine her coming to school and writing "Faggot" on all of them.  I also had to give a speech in front of the entire student body and thought, "This is going to be embarrassing".   You have to know what kind of stalker Laurie is.  She's weird.  She stares at you and the things that come out of her mouth are worse than hideous, they are down right hurtful to you and your family.  Nothing is out of bounds for her.  I ended up making the speech and winning the election, but the best feeling was knowing that she wouldn't be there the next year when I took office.

What most people would look at, if Laurie hadn't stolen my high school yearbooks, is what would appear to be a very good high school experience, but what they don't see is what happened before I was in high school with Laurie and my father's case, and the torture I went through in the years that this girl was there to remind me of every step of the way.   It was a difficult adolescence through no fault of my mom, dad or sister.  Laurie made everything worse, still does.  She'd picked her victim and in those days who was going to say anything about an athlete whom was popular being bullied by a 5'5" brute girl.  There will be people that will recall her harshness, that saw her actions, but the reality is that I wasn't the guy to use my father's job to get her in trouble.  I was going to deal with it my own way, which was wrong.  I should have told someone about it, instead I did what most boys would do in this situation, I ignored her completely.  Who knew how deep her psychological problems were?  I had no idea she would spend nights at home thinking of things to do to me and my friends; who does this?

The obsession with me then followed to college.  I have no idea how she found out where I went to school.  In a small town like ours that isn't difficult to learn.  I got a few letters from a girl that I kissed once at a party named Kelly Barnes.  I thought they were from her anyways.  They were hateful, mean awful letters talking about how popular she was now living in Japan and modeling.  I think back now and wonder, was that Laurie too?  Those letters came to my college dorm room, I didn't answer them back.  I'd never known anyone to try to hurt me like that.  I kissed her once at a party that Laurie was kicked out of...that's all I remember.

The implantation and infection followed and soon Laurie had access to my college fraternity brothers, my work and my friends...and that's when the gang stalking started.  It was horrible...just like being bullied in high school.  So for one year of my adult life, I've known what it was like to be free from her.  Free from some obsessed girl that thinks she has some kind of gender formula for hurting me.  She being a woman, and me being a popular man, everyone would believe her right?  I think that does a huge disservice to women.  I think that my friends and relationships with women stand on their own.  I actually prefer working for women and have many times.  I'm confused as to how a man goes about stopping this...I'm willing to try.  She's not someone that people would believe if they talked to her family.  If they talked to people she's hurt or lied about.  She's really up against a wall with me because my friends haven't really heard a peep out of me where she is concerned.  I didn't count her as someone that I was acquainted there was nothing to tell.  Even when Bryan Anderson brought up her name, I thought better of telling him what I thought.  I am a gentleman after all.  If you have nothing nice to say and all that.

I think that my avoidance of her memory really pissed her off.  It wasn't really intentional, but at the same time it was.  I didn't consider her because she was a horrible memory from the past and who lives in high school anyways?  Certainly not me.  I had other problems to deal with like HIV, little did I know that Laurie would figure into that too.  You see, my stalking by her is all encompassing.  It is a lifetime of being hurt by her, without me realizing it until now.   I can't believe that anyone would want my life instead of theirs...if you were watching like she was, you would have said, "thank God I'm not him, with her around".

I think her biggest fear is that someone would find out all of the evil little things that she and her brother have done to me; at the same time though, she craves the spotlight and isn't going to get it any other way.  Her only real accomplishment is the destruction of my life; a popular, well educated, well liked, gay man that she absolutely hates.  She may pretend that the people in this small town mean nothing to her, but you don't see me going to reunions and functions here.  It's her.  She's the person that contacted my sister about me, not the other way around.  I didn't steal all of her belongings, she stole mine.  I didn't find her girlfriends and tell them stories about her, she did that to me with Steven and Christopher.  You see I wasn't the one with the secret, she is.   I'm just the one telling all of you about it.  That makes her mad.  Too bad, I say.  It's my turn to tattle on you.

So now what I'm face with after proving that I was raped to anyone that would listen to Laurie saying that I wasn't (still not sure how that was supposed to be anything she would know about) is proving whom did it.  Well, there is my gold bracelet that my father made for me out of high school rings owned by my mom and dad, stolen off my arm the morning I was raped.  There is the blood on my clothing that shows that I was raped.  I've never bled from my rear end ever and this was a LOT of blood.  There is the matter of how those xrays were obviously misread by the hospital and how that was accomplished.   There is also the slamming of my upper body into the wall while being held by Officer Cortez...Laurie knew full well that my head had been smashed is my theory.  There are all of the people, including Christopher, that were told to hit me in the face after the rape.  And that nagging postcard with a picture of me that I know I didn't pose for with a fist hitting me.  Whom is behind all of that?

I've heard that Laurie has tried to convince the families of my friends that I am somehow a bad person.  That, I believe, is simply a reaction to knowing whom has been torturing all of them with this technology.  I actually told all of them that she would be doing this.  I told them to be weary of her asking for money and that I wouldn't ever do that.  I also let them know that I love my friends fiercely, and that encompasses their families too.  Friendship has to do with befriending a whole family, not trying to use someone's family for financial gain.  I would never do that.  It's about giving to them what my family needed to hear from them.  They need to know that their son or daughter needs them to believe in something hard to understand.  The reality is that this crime is surreal, but real as well.  Try being the friend that didn't make the effort when this crime is revealed, that's not the person I want to be.  I wanted to be the guy that tried to make something unbelievable, real.  I used my own friends' stories to do that and hoped that it would work.  You see it is important to have our families on our side...they are what Laurie is most jealous of.  She wanted to destroy you all, I wanted you all to come together. It is very important now that we look out for one another and keep her lies out of our friendships.

Laurie is nothing she pretends to be.  So the answer is, no, I wouldn't want to be just like Laurie, I want to be everything she isn't.