Okay so whom is expecting a Social Security Check and or a shipment of syringes in the next few days? If you are one of these people, you need to make certain that you get them. Laurie has been talking it up again and she's got some kind of plan to intercept your shipment or check. For years now, I've been wondering what happened to my infrared camera that I ordered from Japan. I tracked the shipment almost to my front door from Tokyo...but then it didn't get delivered. Laurie has claimed that she was responsible for taking it as well as a box of my business cards. These kinds of thefts are considered mail fraud and are very illegal. Laurie knows when a shipment is expected by watching your thinking and intercepts them before they reach your door. The other way she knows when to expect packages is monthly delivery dates...social security deliveries and medical prescriptions come on the same days, so somewhere along the line she is intercepting them as a matter of a schedule.
This kind of methamphetamine thinking comes from a desperate girl looking to steal something from someone whom has purchased them. It is also the half baked idea of a drug addict who spends more time trying to steal from you than she does bathing herself. I wanted my team to alert Sgt. Anderson as to whom is behind these mail thefts and how she has done it. It is important that he knows how to stop it. I can guarantee you that if I don't get my disability check on the date it is supposed to arrive, I will be reporting Laurie and Brian that very day!!!
For a sober guy like myself, it is like sticking needles in my brain when she starts threatening to do this. My team has a strict no enabling policy when it comes to this part of the crime!!!