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Monday, December 22, 2014

Emails From Mindy Nichols ARE Fakes!!!


Here's something for Rae Fernandez and the PSPD officers to chew on...the emails that I have been receiving have been coming from the same network used to send me messages from Sharon Mendenhall, Brian Johnson (donthatelisalovelisa) and others using the Verizon Droid phone that accessed PSPD emails!!!

The one that I rec'd yesterday tries to correct things said in the KMIR6 interview.  I will reprint them today knowing that the confidentiality is based on the sender being Mindy that we know they aren't from her...we can show them without a breach.

It would appear that the sender is Laurie...trying to make her cop friends look less guilty.
Here's the routing information for the email.  Now I seriously doubt that Sharon Mendenhall, Brian Johnson, Tambo Franz (my sister's married name is "Franz") and Mindy Nichols are all emailing me from the same IP what is Laurie doing?
You can see that the email is saying that the cops weren't making these informants "sell drugs"...but the interview seems to contradict that.   Why would Laurie have an interest in making the story look different than what aired? Mike Nichols says, "we got the drugs from the cops" in the interview, but this email from Laurie says otherwise.  What does Laurie have to do with this?

At first Laurie emails me with all the story links to this case, but then she sends me a message telling me, as Mindy Nichols, that the cops didn't do what they say they did in the interview?  So is she mad at the PSPD or is she kissing ass?  Either way, these emails are frauds and I've already contacted their attorney.