Morally Conscious

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Sunday, December 8, 2013

The Stripper, The Bartender and The Waitress: Destroying My Life For Years!!!

Do you see anything remotely gay man about this picture?

The crime of electronic harassment in Palm Springs, California is nearly 100% committed against gay men, yet this picture above is the only thing that our attorneys have ever focused on.  A pole dancing lesbian and her two friends that have as much to do with this crime as my penis has with a lesbian.  They don't match.  Neither does this investigation.

Here's the truth.   When this investigation needed attorneys my friends went to San Diego to find two of my friends that practice law in search of legal ways to help out this situation.  Then came the stripper, the bartender and the waitress...all women, all about themselves and never once helpful to me or my friends.  We asked...they said no.  When they became the focus of this investigation I lost all interest.

These three women have never helped me out and I know one of them personally.  The waitress.  The waitress decided that her friendship with Sgt. Anderson is far more important than what he did to me and my family by lying to me.  The pole dancer's power is far stronger with her than a life long friendship with my family.

So now it's become the lesbians versus the gay men...that's what these three women did. They sucked out all of our momentum in favor of their fantasies about being important.  They are not in any way associated with me.  I want nothing to do with any of them.  My team insists on keeping them around and I don't want them.

Don't be fooled by these three...look at what they failed to do and then you decide.  Did they act like reasonable people would have or did they lie...?

I want nothing more to do with them.