Morally Conscious

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Sunday, December 8, 2013

My Advice for the Parents of the Victims of This Crime

It has come to my attention that there is a brand new sense of urgency that our attorneys have been avoiding now for six years.  The problem is this...

If your son or daughter has relied on the attorneys hired to deal with the crime of electronic harassment at the PSPD then they need to seek new advice.  They have been advised poorly and they are not going to benefit by their silence.  It will only harm them in the future.  I am not an attorney, but I have worked with hundreds of qualified attorneys over the years and I know one thing to be true.  Hiding evidence of a crime can lead to serious repercussions in the future.

This is my advice to all of the parents involved in this investigation.  Right now stop listening to the attorneys that have advised your children.  They are following a path that leads to the intentional covering up of a crime that is not going to get better under their current plan.

Anthony Dabiere, right now, needs to seek out a United States Attorney in the Riverside District and tell them exactly what occurred when he reported the crime of child pornography distribution, manufacturing and whom he reported it to.  He needs to tell the U.S. Attorney what attorneys that he listened to and what they advised him to do.  Then he needs to let them know that he has a warrant that was derived from the reporting of this crime...and he needs to tell them the truth.  Protecting yourself from these attorneys is vital at this point.  You need to exclude yourself from any further conversations with them and do what we planned to do with a prosecutor.

Call Peter Tagliaferri right now and see if he can get you in to see the duty AUSA down in San Diego....someone will take that report and start from there.  Be certain that you include the names of the attorneys that advised you to hide.

Jonathan needs to seek out counsel from his mom and family.  Just like Anthony you need to be 100% honest about this crime and whom is behind it at the police department.  You need to tell whomever you speak with about the attorneys hired and what they told you to do.  You need to provide everything you can to ensure that you are safe from prosecution regardless of what these attorneys are telling you.  DO NOT LISTEN TO THEM.  The same goes for Tracy Johnson.

The problem is this...there is a time clock ticking for our informant work...and the clock is winding down.  These attorneys can no longer be trusted because of the decisions that they have made to cover this up.

Jonathan should likewise be contacting the sheriff in our area about that home and what he saw is important to show that you are not part of this organization...period.

Our attorneys have spent nearly six years covering up a crime and it is going to take our friendship to break this case wide open.  The people that these attorneys have focused on are nothing...they possess no information that could be used to prosecute Laurie or Brian LaTweek and, in fact, they have done nothing but stall this investigation to bring us to this point.   They are not credible witnesses and they are not all that victimized by this crime.

I would suggest urgency gentlemen...time is of the essence.