Morally Conscious

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Tuesday, December 10, 2013

An Open Letter Of Apology To My Friends, You Know Whom You Are

For a long time I have been contemplating writing this and I think it is appropriate to do it in a place where the world can see it so that my true friends can know forever that I always cared.

When you are the victim of stalking over a lifetime, like I am, you become closed off.  You understand that you are a different person than all of the people around you and you know that what is lurking in the background is something dark and evil even if you aren't a part of it.

From the time I was in college in Riverside, I was being followed.  I knew it in the background but always chalked it up to marijuana paranoia and left it at that.  Yes, folks, I smoked pot.  I, like a lot of college students, smoked weed and enjoyed it.  I didn't use drugs at all in high school but when I went to college I drank with my fraternity brothers and smoked weed with some of them.  They were great guys and I miss them horribly.  A few kept in touch for a while then faded into the distance as high school and college friends will do.

I began living in Redlands and noticed that I was always being followed.  I thought that it was because I'd picked up some pot somewhere and someone was watching the house where I got it.  The stalking was aggressive and intrusive but eventually I graduated to meth and then I wrote it all off to paranoia.  Now I want you to understand something.  I am not the kind of person that sees people in the shadows, I don't peek out the windows and look for spies, nothing like that.  I just kept noticing, mostly on the freeways of Southern California, that I was being followed.  You just get a sense of it.

Little did I know, at that time, that what was happening to me was what has turned into electronic harassment today.  I had been in Palm Springs and right across the street from Laurie LaTweek and she knew me from high school. She hated me and I ignored her.  Somewhere along the line a friend of hers drugged me and implanted one of these RFID chips insid me and that's when the stalking began.  It had nothing to do with pot smoking it had to do with obsession.  Someone that hated me took advantage of a situation and used technology to keep track of me.  If I had any idea it was her it would have made a whole lot more sense.  As it was, it didn't.

I sobered up out here in the desert and put my life back together going to paralegal school in San Diego at the University of California.  I was stalked there.  I, not being on drugs, figured that whomever was stalking me before, was continuing to do so but was unafraid and the stalking slowed down to a stop after about a year.

I worked really hard on my  career as a legal messenger moving up the ranks at Southern California Attorney Service and honed my talent for legal paperwork there until I became the "Courts Manager" for the entire group.  Then, I got a call from the federal court and began working for the Justice Department.  I had good drive and determination and became the Employee of the Month in the second month that I was there.  There were about 200 employees and that gave me the opportunity to do what I wanted and I chose the courtroom.

I had no idea that people could see what I was thinking and no idea that someone could read about my life on a computer screen from a remote location.  If you told me that this was happening I would have thought you crazy and I am sure some of you still do.  That's okay, I understand that.  Little did I know that the hateful girl from high school was following my every move and becoming more and more obsessed with my life.  Everything that I did, sexually and otherwise, became the stuff of her life.  She started telling people stories about herself but they were my stories.  They were my life events....she must have been watching my every thought every single day.  After a while she must have thought that, in some way, that we were connected.  We aren't at all connected.  I never thought about her and rarely thought about my friends from high school at all.  I was far too busy with my life.

I worked out every day, ran, worked at the court, had relationships with men, and in the end, was kind of lonely so I made a huge mistake, I used drugs again after about ten years.  The stalking started the very next day.  I even bought a diary and began writing in it from that point forward.  That is where volume one, book one begins when you find my lost diaries...the following started again only this time it was fierce!!!  It was more aggressive than ever!!! Brutal almost!!!

I was in fantastic shape, I had a boyfriend, and I was struggling with huge depression over being followed.  I was being followed on the bus, to the courthouse, into the courthouse, then home on the bus.  This made me use even more meth...and I spent more time with friends that did meth than my friends that didn't. Go figure.  I was always myself though.  I never compromised my position with the court.  When other guys were going to Club San Diego, I was at home.  I didn't want to be around my friends because of these stalkers and I began noticing a change in my boyfriend too.  I assume he was also being followed.  I am sure he was.

The boyfriend and I moved from one condo to an apartment downtown because these people had become more aggressive and started talking to my land lady, Yvonne Wylie.  She made up some excuse that someone wanted to buy the condo that we were in but later I would find out that this was just something that Laurie dreamed up with her brother to get me to move out of the safety of my beautiful condo down town.

My friend Gary owned apartments near the El Cortez so we moved in there.  It was on the bottom floor and it was like living in a fishbowl with the city lights all around me.  Normally, I would have loved it, but when you are being stalked and the sidewalk is only four feet from your bedroom window it becomes creepy.  Really really I got videocameras...that apartement got broken into and flooded intentionally then my boyfriend decided to move to Portland.  In retrospect that was a good decision.  He had been talking to Brian LaTweek online as someone else and apparently he wasn't friendly enough with him....soon thereafter I was shot at driving home from a friend's house.

Nothing makes stalking more real than a bullet through the driver's side window of my I know that it was a hit ordered by Laurie LaTweek and committed by her brother.  I guess the stress of knowing that someone that she hated was doing better than she was was too much...she knew people that knew me in Palm Springs and killing me would have gotten their attention.  This is how little Laurie values a human life, especially mine.

So what I am trying to tell all of my friends is this.  I am really sorry that I became absentee in your life, but you didn't need Laurie in yours.  Trust me when I tell you that she would have made your life miserable.  She may have already tried.  I don't want anyone to think that she did this without me tell you she did it.  I kept away from you all on purpose, not because of drugs as much as it was for your safety.  Your kids' safety.  Your credit's safety.  She has a way of making everyone I know's life miserable.  That's what she thinks her job is.  That's what she calls it.

If I told you that I was "hearing voices" now you'd all think that I'd lost it somewhere along the journey, but the truth is that I am still the same guy that you always liked, hung out with, and were friends with.  God chose a different path for me and I've accepted it.  I don't expect some of my friends to understand and if they don't forgive me for not telling them what was going on, that's what life has done.  I know I'm smarter and better than ever right now.  My focus is clearer, I know whom is behind this, and I am positive that I will be able to rid myself of her and her brother in the future.  In the meantime, I just wanted everyone to know that I didn't forget about you, I just wanted to keep what was happening to me from happening to any more people that I love.  There have been alot of casualties since living in Palm Springs.  Laurie and her brother are ruthless in their pursuit of the end of my life, but I've learned that staying out of site is one of the keys to success.

The other key is to talk about it.  I know that this blog helps people and hurts Laurie's chances of ever doing this to another human being.  I am hoping that someone will grow a pair and she will be made an example of the worst that humanity has to offer.  In the meantime I just want my friends' parents to know that I am sorry if your kid was targeted because of me. If I could write you, I would tell you her true name and her brother's true name.  You deserve to know it.  If I send it to you now, you would immediately have your mail forwarded by Laurie and her brother so you wouldn't get it.  I would type it here but she still has too many fucking cop friends that do illegal things for her that protect her while she stalks me and my family.  In a way I am kind of disappointed that more of you haven't demanded her arrest.  If you do, someone will go to jail that finally deserves it.  Laurie LaTweek.  It will end thirty years of death stalking me...and I sure would be grateful.  I wish I could offer you a reward for doing it, but in the meantime, I am offering you this blog.  I hope that it helps every single person that Laurie has hurt over the years.  I want to find every single parent and tell them that it was her...Laurie LaTweek...and her brother that ruined your kid's life.  Don't forget the police department either...they willingly participated in this experiment...and still do.