Morally Conscious

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Sunday, October 2, 2011

My Initial Contacts With E.H. Victim: Jeffrey Brandriff

Christopher and I  love Jeffrey Brandriff and we pray for his safety every single night.  He is an excellent person and he deserves every parent's love!!!

One thing I want to get across to the families of electronic harassment victims is HOW they find me.

Here we have a picture of the very handsome and super nice Jeffrey Brandriff.  He is a stellar human being that found out about my blogs when I met his roommate at a 12 step meeting.  She did not believe anything about this harassment, but she took my flyer home and low and behold, Jeffrey, her roommate was one of the victims.  I would later find out that Jeff was friendly with Christopher Monti and that Christopher had actually stayed with Jeff before Tracy and Junior made him so crazy that he had to leave.  Here are the actual emails that instigated my assistance of this very nice man!!!

Now before ANY police officer reads this next one let me ask them this question.  If you hadn't been informed about the two way communication properties of this wireless communication what would you do if you just started hearing voices telling you to do the things that they were telling Jeffrey.  Sgt. Mitch Spike can kiss my ass if he thinks that anyone should be put through this type of torture.  It is perfectly understandable that if you woke up one day and these "lovely people" were telling you to kill yourself that you would check yourself into a mental facility for evaluation. I did...Jeff did too...don't judge or you might just have us pointing a finger at your department!  Read on...

Now I wonder just how many police officers are still thinking that Tracy Johnson and her fucked up cousin Junior Johnson should be communicating with police officers?  Clearly this is a torture method that has ended up in suicide with other victims.  I know of two.  Can you now understand why I am advocating for these victims.  Tracy and Junior would rather torture them to the point of suicide and the police think that this family is so professional that they would never do something like this....but here it is in black and white.  Completely unsolicited....and now you know what Jeffrey goes through on a daily basis without a single police officer stepping in to stop these criminals.
What is it going to take for this department to realize what the Johnsons are doing to the gay community.  Clearly the "faggot" comment makes this a hate attorneys are all over this one....