Morally Conscious

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Sunday, October 2, 2011

Does This Make Sense to Any of the Parents Out There?

Here is the prophet Moses and the burning bush...add your own comment about Tracy Johnson here

One thing that I would like to get across to all of the parents is the fact that I am talked to by Christian Johnson and his freakish cousin 24 hours a day 7 days a week and some of the things that they have to say are very disturbing.

Sometimes I awake in the middle of the night and hear them discussing things when they think I am still sleeping.

Last night was no exception.  Since Tracy and Junior have taken to focusing on Christopher's mother and family I need to ask them this...Do you know anyone with the names Diane or Gene Moses?  Junior was very specifically talking about Jonathan and Christopher, like he always does, and these two people's names kept coming up over and over again before they realized that I was awake.  I specifically recall them talking about the relative wealth of these two individuals and how Tracy could scam them out of money...sometimes I am groggy when I wake up but this conversation sticks out along with threats to the Katzenberg family.  Remember I report what I hear so this may mean nothing or it could be important.

Given that Tracy has now sent me letters from both Jonathan's father and Christopher's "step father", I can only imagine the kind of information that she has taken from their thoughts so I thought it important to report this on the blog for the sake of preserving it and to let the parents know that I am fighting for them.  Remember, we need to have Jonathan found to ask him about the Johnsons and Junior Johnson in particular.

Just wanted to put this out there.