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Monday, October 3, 2011

If You Thought the Initial Emails From Jeffrey Brandriff were Compelling...

....then stay tuned...they don't call me the West Coast Public Awareness Expert for nothing.  I have been receiving emails from Palm Springs' Victims of the Johnson Family now for years...ever since I started the HateLisa Campaign and yesterday's example is only a small portion of what the victims have to say about what these operators say to them and threaten them into doing for them.

Almost every victim has a few things in common...they are kept sleep deprived, they are made overt sexual advaces toward, they are forced to dream about sick things like child pornography and murder, and they are terrorized for years.  Most all of them were on and all of them want this terror to stop.  Many complain about tampering with their cell phones, their billing, their email accounts....and missing money....

If you though yesterday's email excerpts from Jeff Brandriff were compelling...STAY TUNED, you haven't seen anything yet...and please note the dates of the emails...none of this is fabricated...I did not know any of these men before I started putting up posters that the PSPD forced me to take down...and blog stats are higher today on both blogs than ever before....

Here's a little taster of the first email I received from another tortured gay man in Palm Springs, Doug Martindale...remember I had never met this man at the time...and this was referred to me by the President of Freedom FFCHS, Derrick's his first email...get ready to read more soon