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Monday, October 3, 2011

The Devil Came to Palm Springs...And Boy Was He Causing Problems

Police should be interested to know and already know some about what I am posting here.

I have told you that there are (3) three Johnson brothers...Junior Johnson, the one that looks like Ron Jeremy, the second whom online on Adam4adam goes by the names "Blanco Diablo" (White Devil) or "Blanco Basura" (White Trash) and the third, and possibly the most infamous for the purposes of this blog is the youngest whom I'll call the "Underwood Devil".

Now the reason this one is so infamous with me is that, not only did I meet him in San Diego, he also showed up out here in Palm Springs just like the other two...which would lend credibility to them stalking me after my driveby shooting in downtown San Diego.

The "Underwood Devil" is problematic for me in several ways...first, while I was living with John O'brien, he was the Johnson brother that broke into his home while there were four guests in the house and was looking for drugs to steal....unfortunately for him I was outside taking a walk when I saw his getaway car pull up, him run out after he got caught, then speed out of the parking wasn't but a few days later that I saw him again at the home of my friend Brett Simms.

I warned Brett that this individual should not stay in his home and thought it odd that he seemed to shadow every place that I was.  Brett ignored me and this turned out to be a tragic ending.  Brett's boyfriend Tim and I worked cleaning homes for Brett and we were close.  Tim didn't like the "Underwood Devil" and told me that he had been experiencing hearing voices including the "Voice of Lisa" which at the time I did not understand...two days later Tim hung himself right in front of Brett in the guest house of that home....

I have since talked to Brett about this situation and he told me that he firmly believed that the "Underwood Devil" shot him up with bad drugs that made Tim freak out and he hung himself....more than likely Junior was talking to Tim and the younger brother was giving him bad drugs that forced him to commit suicide.

While visiting the home and while at my own home I had occaision to see Leah Fauntleroy enter Brett Simms home and I heard Christian Johnson on the phone with Brett that makes four Johnson Crime Family members in that home just prior to the home invasion where Brett was held at gunpoint execution style and was told that if he wanted to remain in the area he would have to "Pay for his safety"....this is organized crime.

Brett will definitely recall the name of the Underwood Devil that fled to Mississippi...all of the Johnson brothers claim that they are from Mississippi, but they are really from Texas....Brett completely blames this Johnson brother for the suicide of his boyfriend and I know that the home invasion is directly linked to the Johnson's desire to run the entire drug dealing business in Palm Springs.

Police usually photograph tattoos on criminal suspects so there is a good chance that this younger Johnson brother is in the system....they should also be aware that he had warrants out of San Diego too...the rumor is that his is dead...but I doubt that it is true...he is probably not far from Jonathan Mendenhall....

The three Johnson brothers should also be considered in almost all of the burglaries of vacation homes in the area...Brett cleans vacation homes and it is very likely that they stole his keys to these homes and robbed them.  Any unsolved murders in the area involving gay men and shallow graves should also be considered...remember folks I have been at this for a very long time and I am seldomly wrong!!!

This coincidentally was during the INFAMOUS MIKEY AND JESSICA  ERA...and it was at Brett Simms home when I learned all about how Jessica plotted to rob Steven Frey at his home of all his finances and drugs which she and her boyfriend at the time did!!! More on this in a later're gonna love it!