Morally Conscious

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Thursday, September 29, 2011

The Smoking Gun: Intentional Infection is a Crime

"You go out there and give this to everyone so they know what I'm dealing with...", Junior Johnson to his rape victims after he has knocked them out and cut them so they will bleed and used his infection to infect an unconscious gay man.

The blog tag posted here and on HateLisa is not is NOT pornographic, it is a statement about intentional infections and the people who commit them.  I have so many friends that have been lured online to a place where they were drugged, intentionally raped, and intentionally infected with HIV and Hepatitis C just because Junior Johnson has a queer thing for infecting gay AND straight men so that they can spread the disease to their wife or boyfriends or sexual partners.  He has a thing for "tops" and straight married men and little boys under the age of 12 that would otherwise not be at such a risk for infection.

Tracy Johnson and her cronies will complain that this blog flag is "offensive" and you want to know why?  It isn't because it offends this woman that owns over 250 gay male pornographic movies or has unprotected sex exclusively with gay infected is because she herself and her cousin and a few others are involved in the online sexual assaults of gay men now for years...

She and her friends lured my boyfriend into countless situations where he was given a drink that contained GHB and tried to knock him out...they succeeded in San time and I will never forgive the perpetrators of this crime. 

This is a social statement about using your penis as a weapon of death...and infection...the intentional spread of disease to an unknowing victim knocked out on GHB is tantamount to germ warfare and I know that my friend Peter DiMartino from the Desert AIDS project will not disagree with me.

The fastest growing number of AIDS patients that develop full blown AIDS and die comes from a sector of people that don't know that they are infected...this could possibly be because they don't even know that they were sexually assaulted.  GHB renders the victim completely memoryless  and unconscious...which is what Junior relies upon to infect his also gives him a chance to implant them with the wireless communication devices that allow him to get inside the heads of his rape victims and ask them things about the is sick and disgusting and extremely offensive....

If you are offended by this picture then you are missing the point...the point is that our police department has a separate standard for rape between two men and any rape concerning a woman....often times they feel that we must have some how consented to this behavior....this is not true....I am NOT a bottom, I did not consume ANY drugs the night I was raped that I was aware of, and these drugs are put into the victims drinks without their consent....nowhere is consent given...frankly I know of cases where men were arrested for getting a man drunk and having consensual sex with them and the man changed his mind in the morning and the other man was arrested....Never would I have consented to any sex the night I was raped....I would NEVER consent to have sex with Junior Johnson or any other Johnson...and this is what he sees as a challenge...if he succeeds, he calls the rape, "a freebie".  How offensive is that.

I wonder, when the time comes, and we genotype the HIV virus and Hep C virus inside of Junior Johnson, how many electronic harassment victims that are infected with these diseases will trace back to Junior's strain?  Even more important, how many of them will ever say they even met him?  This is how it is done...Tracy Johnson or another person logs into as someone else since they have the passwords for all of the electronically harassment that they stalk...they invite the victim over...someone other than the man in the ad shows up, usually someone better looking that Junior, he drugs their drink while they aren't watching, and the perpetrator then leaves the door open for Junior to come on in and do his my case Junior already had a key to Steven Frey's home and when Steven left for the airport that morning he used the key to unlock the door, smashed my head with a Coke bottle, administered the GHB, raped me, knocked my tooth out and intentionally infected me then left...making it look like Steven was the culprit then talked to me using this wireless communication device to tell me that the other rapist was Peter DiMartino...a friend of fact he pretended to be Peter so many times that he called himself that...over and over and over again....You should all know that I have thoroughly apologized to Peter for this accusation and have explained this situation in detail to him... whether Peter got this letter mailed to the DAP is another story since Little Miss Busybody has a tendency to call places and have them throw away mail bearing my name; especially an apology of this magnitude.  Nevertheless I did email a formal apology to David Brinkman with regards to Peter and I know he got that!

I love the DAP...Christopher and I love Peter....and we all want to help the HIV and Hep C. community!!!  Let's fight this problem together guys!!!

Don't be offended by the picture be offended by the act that necessitates it use....
