Morally Conscious

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Thursday, September 29, 2011

Tracy's Still Living in the Past

In preparation for something else stupid Tracy Johnson is looking at the HateLisa Blog and you can see for yourself the posts that she has been looking at the most.  You must remember that Steven Frey will be released from prison shortly and Tracy's obsession with him is what she is most concerned about...well that, and the millions of dollars in tax fraud she put him in.  Trying to make me look bad to Steven and his family is all she is about.

Remember folks it was ME that heard Tracy bragging that she had the right to let people live in homes that Steven owned...BUT DIDN'T know about.  It was me that found all of this mortgage fraud and it has to be me that testifies as to how I found it....I am the one that reported it to the IRS....and if they did not get the several mailings that I sent it was Tracy Johnson's family that defrauded the IRS into not accepting the mailing. If anything I deserve the reward for finding all of this problem for Steven and I would have told him myself if Meddling Tracy hadn't sent me a death threat that looked like it was from Steven and forced the both of us to get restraining orders.

This time when she tries to keep Steven from learning the truth he needs to consider this...he needs me to help him put her in jail....

You need first look at the original posting dates for the posts on that blog...and remember this, it was Tracy Johnson herself, while broadcasting, that told me that she was Steven's sister and that what I was hearing, "the Frey effect" was her father's invention.  Not only is this the case, but I have also saved text messages from Tracy where she claims to be Steven's sister and admits to knowledge of a breakin at his home.....and a relationship with Peter DiMartino....

What Tracy is trying to do is look at OLD INFORMATION from that blog to brainwash someone into thinking that I hold some grudge against the Frey Family or Steven Frey...which I do not.

Steven was a pawn for this fat bitch drug dealer and her family and when I was about to expose the truth about the mortgage fraud she'd put her mark in, she threw him in jail using her police contacts.

My HateLisa blog is a living diary...and as such, it is a progression of my understanding of this crime...I am not about to go all the way back to the beginning to edit out what was untrue at the time as it goes to my state of mind while I was writing it and as to the information I was given from the let her try to spin the past into her favor...the truth is that now I don't blame Steven for anything but not confiding more in me or telling me everything...the rest is completely her family's fault or this would have been over the second Steven went to jail.

Anyone that knows me knows that I harbor no ill will towards Steven or Sheree Frey as long as they know I did everything to get him out of jail and prevent him from going there in the first place.  He should never have been in prison....and I called his attorney, the DA, and the police and wrote letters on his behalf stating that Junior Johnson and Tracy Johnson and others were responsible for the text death threat that eventually landed him in prison...that's the truth....

Steven is in tremendous debt because of Tracy Johnson, Junior Johnson and others that conspired against him and I am happy to be the one that found that information out for him.  I will do anything in the future to help him prosecute this family in any way I can.

In the meantime both Christopher and Anthony need to steer clear of the Frey Family in all ways until they decide upon how they want to proceed.  I don't need this grief...thanks guys.
