Morally Conscious

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I highly recommend Ella Free's website FFTI: Freedom For Targeted Individuals
This website is amazing and comes with lots of information for people from credible sources. It's one of the best I've ever seen and Ella is a really great Podcast host as well!!!

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

ADAP (AIDS Drug Assistance Program) Such A Difficult Road To Managing Your Health Isn't It???

The Blue Widow Virus Strain...the worst thing about the crisis faced by the victims of Laurie and Brian LaTweeker?  Sometimes it is, but the fight to stay alive with her virus is only half of the problem.  Like most victims of this horrible disease, it is access to the life giving medications that really is the difficult thing.  AIDS drugs cost nearly $6000 a month to stay alive and if you don't have the insurance and the ADAP to cover the cost of the drugs you are up a creek without a prescription that can be paid for.

The cost of medication is only one hurdle it has to be complicated by how you qualify for programs that help you pay for the drugs.

Today I am faced with Social Security Disability which is a program that I paid into working for the U.S. Department of Justice and got after two bouts with a recurring pneumonia that was given to me intentionally by Laurie and her staph infected blood.  It comes back every time she sneaks into my home and rubs my toothbrush on her butt or coughs in my mouth while I am knocked out.  It's a sick thing.

Her own father may have contracted this staph related pneumonia that has put many of these men in the hospital here in Palm Springs.  Many have gone to their graves.  Some of this staph has traveled to their livers and rendered them untreatable with HIV meds.  Once that happens their livers liquefy and they die.  Jonathan's boyfriend, Jared, died this way.  It was a horribly painful death.  I miss him terribly, he was a tremendous guy.

We still haven't been able to quarantine Laurie and her friends.  It is a shame.  I can only imagine that their squat house is full of disease.  U.S. Marshals must be careful when serving warrants on their home.  Extreme caution must be used.  Very contagious.  TB is only one of the diseases that they carry.

There must be a serious effort made to have this home quarantined soon and have this entire area cordoned off.

Today I may have found a reprieve for the ADAP I need but Social Security Disability is really a difficult situation when there are many other insurances available to me.  It's really a difficult situation right now.