Morally Conscious

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Sunday, February 9, 2025

To Clear Things Up, This Is How Lori LaFond Got Involved With Jeffrey Katzenberg; It's Not What You Think!


It has become clear to me that no matter how much sense I make, Lori LaFond believes she can deceive you again simply by putting on another mask and lying.  People who fall for these schemes are often surprised to learn that I have been warning them for years about her true nature. Lori LaFond imagines herself as someone else, but the truth is that no one else shares the problems Lori faces.

It is my understanding that Lori and her friends have been stalking the Katzenberg family for many years.  I did not live in the Palm Springs area when she was chasing their kids around Palm Springs High School.  Marilyn's entire neighborhood was being surveyed to monitor the Katzenbergs.  Neighbors and friends were approached, undergarments were left in their mailbox, and Lori and Brian LaFond once entered the home across the street from the Katzenbergs to surveil them.  This seems to be the time that Benjamin Katzenberg was molested and falsely imprisoned because of his neighbor, David, and siblings, Brian and Lori LaFond.  The case went to court.  Only Brian LaFond was charged with using a false ID. He was convicted and given a self-surrender date but then fled to San Diego, CA, where I was living.

Lori LaFond was a "Jane Doe" in that molestation and false imprisonment case but was not identified by her brother who was pretending to be someone else.  Benjamin thusly testified, got a conviction, and was immediately targeted by Lori LaFond for revenge.  It is important to note that the neighbor, David, did not testify in this case and instead chose to hide away until it was over.  Today, David resides with both Lori and Brian LaFond in a home in Joshua Tree, CA.  This is not a coincidence.  He was an accomplice in this molestation, and in subsequent crimes committed in Arizona and California.  Lori's revenge is always what her fake "family" is focused on.  I should know, she's done this to my family since 1979.

At the very least, Lori Jean LaFond is a thief.  She uses this technology to steal money from people using the information she gleans.  Bank account numbers, PIN numbers, CDL numbers, Social Security Numbers, false IDs, and pretty much everything she needs to impersonate another person.  She is still just herself, a thief.

It is well known that Lori LaFond stole about $150,000 from a business account that was held by Benjamin, David, and Laura Katzenberg.  She used fake IDs to secure that theft.  She's done the same thing to my own sister, stealing insurance money left for my relatives after Lori effected the death of my brother-in-law.   Benjamin, smartly worked with our friend Martin to find this missing money.  When they found out that I was working on this project for the police department, he sought me out and asked if he could help.  This infuriated Lori LaFond.  Imagine, the kid she molested and the guy she bullied since high school now knew each other and were working to stop her.  I knew nothing of the Katzenbergs or what they did for a living.  I don't really care, but it does come with notoriety.  This is when Lori decided to tell people that she was "working with Jeffrey Katzenberg" investigating me.  It is one-upmanship at its worst.  

The truth is that Benjamin is a super genius and anyone like him offering help would have been acceptable, but his accomplishments made him the best candidate.  Though this is a blog for the parents of the victims of this crime, it really does not matter to me what the parents do for a living or how much money they have; I do not accept money from victims or their parents.  That would be exploitation of the victims; it isn't savory or moral.

Lori has this problem with people that she has raped, implanted, infected, and harassed.  She thinks of all of us as "slaves".  She even lists us in a log that she calls her, "Book of Slaves".   In her book of slaves, she has Martin and Benjamin.  This means that the best friend, Eagle Scout, friends have been raped, etc.  This makes them prime candidates for the plan that I executed.  I needed people on the inside of Lori's system and people on the outside so that we could legally record everything that Lori LaFond does with her friends.  It was a brilliant choice as I am a formal police informant along with Christopher.  I am on the outside doing this, and Christopher is on the inside doing his part.  We agreed with each other to record these conversations via party line, so everything is on the up and up for law enforcement.

Lori also thinks, like slaves, that she owns us.  I have a real problem with anyone thinking that I am her slave.  I am not.  That is why I told everyone that I have never worked with Lori, she is a self-proclaimed enemy of mine/my family, we have never been friends, and she is illegally stalking me and my friends.  I told the police many times who I was working with in emails to my police contact...Lori likely deleted them, but some cops got the message.

Since Jeffrey's money was the real target of Lori's devious plan, she decided to do what she always does, put her girlfriend Melissa close enough to him to try to torpedo this investigation.  Melissa, Bessie, and David the neighbor did just that.  Unfortunately for them, it only exposed what Lori did to try to derail anyone investigating her.  Fortunately for us, Lori can't seem to keep herself off drugs, out of trouble, and out of various jail cells in California and Arizona.  Escaping each time by using fake IDs, but committing crimes nonetheless.

Exposing the WHOLE crime is what we are looking at doing now.  Lori's destructive jealousy is a trait I've seen since I was about 10 or 11 years old.  I am 56 years old now.  I have a particular skill when it comes to her.  Call it a bullshit-detector or just experience, but she is trying to make someone believe that fugitives, like herself and her brother, could actually work for Jeffrey Katzenberg; someone who she thinks she owns.  She does not own a Katzenberg.  They are probably not happy with that tone from her.

Lori's one-upmanship is stupid.  The very first blog I wrote about this crime talked about her illegal relationship with two Larson Justice Center Commissioners, Best and Cribbs.  Yet when Lori went to file a restraining order about THAT BLOG she went directly to Commissioner Best to get him to commit an illegal act.  Issuing a restraining order against me for a crime that he is involved deeply with.  That is judicial misconduct and exactly what I needed her to do.  This time, Lori LaFond even put her name on the restraining order so no doubt seeks a criminal act from this Commissioner.  He issued the order during a federal stay of the matter and did not allow me due process to fight it in court.  Then Lori stalked me to Arizona to try to kill me, Jonathan, Anthony, and possibly Marilyn and Benjamin Katzenberg.  All noticed members of my team to Bryan Anderson; our legitimate police contact.  Bryan knows Lori LaFond and was her neighbor in high school; he knows she is crazy and not reliable.

So if you want to know how Lori got involved with Jeffrey Katzenberg, it wasn't as a personal assistant, it was by raping his youngest son and stalking his older twins.  This isn't a case of Lori the businesswoman, it is a case of Lori the drug dealer lying to anyone who will listen.  Come on folks, do you really think that anyone would work WITH Lori using this system that has that kind of pull and money?  No possible way.  It is the fastest way to lose that kind of wealth.  This is a prime example of false advertising by Missy Erickson and Lori LaFond.    Jeffrey's silence is deafening to our victims.

Once again, Lori is attempting to claim she's not who I say she is by doing exactly what I say she does.  That's the same as robbing a bank to prove you aren't a bank robber.  Ask yourself this, why isn't Lori Jean LaFond telling everyone she is Lori Jean LaFond.  You don't see her on Facebook telling everyone she is herself.  No, what you see is other people talking about Lori LaFond in a way they never would.  It's just Lori on their accounts pretending to talk nice about her.  She better be careful though, my friends don't ever talk shit about me, like she does.  It's a dead giveaway.

In an attempt to make herself look smart, she's trying to repurpose smart things that I do, but putting her name on them.  It's just theft of my intellectual property, human trafficking of my thoughts and actions so that she doesn't look like the dunce she really is.  Lori LaFond is a multiple fugitive.  The crimes that she committed were violent and with a firearm in some cases.  There are plenty of victims of these crimes, and they should speak up.  The reason that Lori LaFond isn't herself on Facebook with all the permissions that everyone else gives is because she is a fraud that all the victims of this crime would recognize as the fake "Jessica" instead of the real Lori Jean LaFond.  She can't be herself because a fugitive on Facebook can be located.

It is also imperative to note that Facebook fugitives using their services are likely to be caught by the agencies that are looking for them like Arizona law enforcement, the U.S. Attorney's Office, the U.S. Marshal's office, and anyone else that has a beef with Lori LaFond.  Being herself isn't a good choice, and pretending to be someone else talking sweet about her, doesn't happen.

A fugitive from justice or several live with Lori.  The only hope that some of them have is proving that Lori LaFond framed them for the crimes that they have escaped from serving time for.    Those Commissioners seem to set these outrageous self-surrender dates to "get their affairs in order". Well, I have news for all of you.  The crimes that this guy gives these for are egregious.  They aren't for petty theft and NEVER get self-surrender dates.  The only reason he gives them is so that the defendant/friend of Lori LaFond gets a chance to change their identity and pretend to be someone else.  It's a dangerous game of "catch me if you can" but I'm a former courtroom deputy clerk, a professional at that very game.  All of our fugitives were caught by the U.S. Marshal.

I have a distinct feeling that Lori LaFond and friends are trying to use the Katzenbergs to sell their mind-reading system to legitimate businesses using Jeffrey as an example.  It is not a good idea to turn him into her poster business person to sell terrorism to big business.  Someone should make him aware that this is her BIG PLAN!!!