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Sunday, February 23, 2025

Covering Her Tracks? No Make Up or Long Sleeves Can Cover The Messes She's Made!


Ah yes, the wreckage of her past.  This is something that Lori Jean LaFond somehow manages to put out of her mind like it never happened, but the victims are still waiting for justice!  Like the many track marks on Lori's left arm, some sores may heal but the scars will always remain.  They are a badge of honor for some people who get their lives together, for some a painful reminder of what they lost, but for Lori, they are still "mosquito bites" all in a row.  That mosquito is following her around but she can't seem to find it.  No surprise.  It really isn't there.

I've heard that Lori has spent a fortune on syringes since living in Joshua Tree, CA., with her friends and her extra big crystal meth supply.  What if I told you it was over $25,000? $30,000?  More?   You would expect that she is in the kind of shape that you would expect from a woman who spends more of her day with a needle in her arm than without.  Ask any former needle user, and they will tell you that with the kind of numbers, Lori is using needles, she won't last that much longer.  She's got "needle fever" and has convinced herself that 103-degree temperatures are normal for someone like her.  Parents out there?  How long should a fever run before it returns to 98.6 degrees?  A few hours?  Lori has been like this for months!!!  A long-sustained fever shows a really bad infection and proves that she is infectious.

California has spent countless millions of dollars treating Lori's victims and we are grateful for it!  We are probably the smallest city in the country to have an AIDS Project and it was born out of necessity because of Lori Jean LaFond.  People were being infected at an abnormally high rate and it wasn't just because gay men live in Palm Springs, CA.  It was because a serial killer was going around infecting people to the point where an AIDS clinic became necessary.  Even Earl Greenberg heard of Lori before his untimely death.  We know one of the victims was in contact with him before robbed this Hollywood producer.  Lori then blamed her victim for the robbery.  He did time for it.

Gay men and women live in concentrated areas all over the country, but our 1980's numbers were out of whack with the national average by a lot of people per capita.  It has noting to do with Palm Springs being more or less promiscuous, we had a stalker with a dirty needle following us around looking to stick a microchip in our heads so she could spy on us.