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Monday, January 13, 2025

A Direct Hit: The Katzenberg Family Torpedoed Our LGBTQ+ Community And, As Expected, Jeffrey Ran Away Again!!!


Just in case you weren't was one of the shittiest days in the history of the investigation into the crime of electronic harassment and it came, no surprise, at the hands and mouth of Jeffrey Katzenberg!

As I predicted, years ago when he robbed my mother, he came here with one goal.  He came to torpedo our community again and let the criminals get away with murder and rape.  Then, as predicted, he left to go play with his rich Jewish friends...typical.  I have news for him.  I'm going to General Etnyre without him and I'm going to tell him that his son and his friends were illegally using this system to stalk my sister and me for over 15 years until they robbed my Alzheimer's mother.  His crimes against my family earn him a solid fifteen years in federal prison for elderly abuse and I'm going to make sure he spends every single day away from his wife and our community.

I want to be very clear about this.  The Katzenberg Family is no friend to the LGBTQ+ community.  Their defunct AIDS Foundation stopped years before there was a cure and was simply a way for Jeffrey to assuage his guilt for a lifetime of homophobia; just ask his dance coach.  Jeffrey is notoriously not a friend to our community.  His lifetime was spent ridiculing and hating us...

While his friends like Harvey Weinstein and others went to prison, he managed to put his family in front of him just enough times to keep him out of jail, but it isn't going to last.  

We watched for over a decade and a half while his son and wife lied to the rest of us about stopping this monster, Lori Jean LaFond.  Allegedly, he even told Jonathan's mother he was going to do this but didn't after he managed to rob my mother of my life savings.  Not only is he homophobic, but he is also a hater of elderly women and men.  He thinks he can commit blatant elderly abuse by using my family members, but he doesn't know what kind of person I am.  I am willing to put the entire situation before a prosecutor, family member, and all, to secure his role in the theft of my property.

I want to remind him of the conversations that Missy Erickson and Bessie Smith had with my family member to steal this money.  They used his son Benjamin, his wife Marilyn, and my sister's past theft of a bank account from her husband's death.  This is the state of mind he put my family member in so she could steal this account from me and hide it away.  These two women were given cars to drive and a home to live in as a reward.  I am certain that they were paid with monies stolen and used as security for the four bails that were set for Lori LaFond and Brian LaFond in Arizona.  He literally paid to fuck over our community.

I will make sure that his wife and son pay for his crimes against me.  I promise I will never stop unit this asshole is punished for good.

Keep on running Jeffrey.  You remind me of your coward father and all the other pieces of crap you hang around and think are better than the rest of us.  I can only imagine that Kobe would have stopped being your friend right about now.  Shame on you.  He used to say he "wouldn't leave here until this crime was solved" but as you can see, that chicken shit did just that leaving his traitor son and his friends holding the bag.  He's one step away from prison.