Morally Conscious

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Saturday, August 3, 2024

I Wanted To Share A Milestone With ALL Of You. This Is The 10,000th Post I've Made To This Blog! Don't Believe Me...Here Is Proof!!!


I can't believe I've done anything 10,000 times, but look right above and you can see for yourself.

If you read today's posts you will understand that among other reasons, the most important thing was writing this post to make amends to all the people that my team and I let down over the years.  I wrote all of this for my own family and friends.  There is a serial killer among us in the LGBTQ+ community of Palm Springs, CA.  She has walked unscathed through our lives worse than the AIDS virus.

I wanted to make a difference and thought I'd found the people to do it with, but I was sorely mistaken.  What I found was a bunch of do-nothing lazy people who made their own lives better on the blood of my family members.  I wanted to be clear, that isn't all of you!

Lori LaFond is a killer with a very long past of trying to cause a mass societal problem.  It was her dream and manifesto to use this mind-reading system to help her kill members of the LGBTQ+ community with her friends, Christian Johnson, Brian LaFond, Leah Fauntleroy, Missy Erickson, and David.  They are all guilty of committing this crime against our community so they could use and sell drugs to addicts.  They wanted to be THE ONLY drug dealers in our area and killed to make it that way.

Dubbed the Lesbian Mafia of Palm Springs, CA, they enlisted the help of Jeffrey and Marilyn Katzenberg, allegedly, to help finance their release from Arizona's law system and to help purchase drugs for this illegal domestic terrorist group.  If there is another side to this story, they never gave it.  Paying for Lori and Brian's freedom was the biggest mistake the Katzebergs allegedly made.  It is a mistake that should cost them their freedom.

Thanks to the people who support the victims of this crime.  Our community needs a guardian angel.  I hope that we can find one or more to do the job Jeffrey promised he would do but didn't.  He lied to our community and permitted two child molesters to run free.  They even molested his own son.  I guess there is something to be said about blood not being thicker than a bank account.  You should be ashamed Jeffrey and Marilyn.  I wish I'd made better choices where you were concerned.

10,000 posts, whew!  Let's hope it doesn't take 10,000 more to stop this violent crime circuit in the Southern California area.  I would suggest paying Jeffrey Katzenberg a visit.  He seems to know who these criminals are, one lived right next door to his wife.  He even allowed them to store drugs in his wife's home from what I've been told.

Some people just hate gays...better to know who they are, right?