Morally Conscious

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Saturday, August 3, 2024

Elderly Abuse and Lori's Problem With My Father...Bessie Smith Threatening To Change Her Story After 43 Years To Protect Her Elderly Abuse? Stupid Bitch!!!


I wanted to extend my condolences to Bessie Smith.  Threatening me with lying and changing your testimony about my father is the lowest form of extortion that I have ever heard of.  You are the most insignificant piece of trash that I've ever heard of.  You abuse my mother and father and now you think you are going to silence me by threatening to lie for Lori LaFond.

In short, prostitute, you have just buried your friends Jeffrey and Marilyn Katzenberg.  I know that you belong in Hell, but I never thought you would need so little help in going there.

You think I'm going to let you threaten me with that lousy piece of garbage?  You knew all about this crime for decades and used it to effect the murder of my brother-in-law.  You used this crime to steal from my mother and sister.  You knew that Lori lied to everyone and you knew what the military and Bryan Anderson knew about this crime.  Now you have the unmitigated gall to come for me like you have something to say about my father?  You need to have your entire head examined.

Trust me when I tell you that was the most damaging thing you and your friend Lori could have said!!!  Go ahead and change your testimony you fucking ugly cunt.  I'll make sure that perjury is the first in a long line of charges against you.

How dare you ever tell anyone you are a friend of my family.

Jeffrey, this tactic that you've employed will never afford you the life you think you earned.  Live with your filthy self.

This is what Marie and Eugene LaFond let go on for five decades.  Don't think for a second that giving her a home to live and torture people in won't go unpunished by the law.

To backtrack, I was looking up Robert Evans, Esq. who represented my father and several others that Lori falsely accused of child molestation, including Coach Steve Fabian, when Bessie Smith and Lori began threatening me with changing her testimony from years ago.  Lori has been using this case, with a not guilty verdict lately in other court cases too.  Bessie Smith doesn't want anyone to know her role in abusing my mother and father, so now she is threatening to change her four-decades-old testimony.  I say, go right ahead, you bitch.  Not only will you end up in prison for perjury, but you will also be charged with the double extortion that Jeffrey is involved with when he uses Lori to threaten me.

How a man who bailed out two child molesters in Arizona has the balls to come after my father, an innocent man, I will never understand, but you can be sure, that my testimony about his wife and child's behavior in this investigation will now go down exactly the way it happened.  Not that it wouldn't have in the first place, but I was trying to be understanding about Jeffrey's mental problems.  Not any longer.  Benjamin lured me into this trap and allowed his father to use this system, without my permission, to spy on my sister and me.  Now he can try to wiggle his way out of the crimes that he and his entire family have committed.

You should have learned more about the law Jeffrey.

Now we all know who hired Lori LaFond to stalk me using this system as she pointed out in her vicious and untruthful email to me.  I knew you were a dirty bastard Jeff, but now, you stepped way over the line.  Don't use Lori to threaten me,  Jeffrey.  I am warning you, the law does not see very blurry like you keep thinking it does.  My state of mind is very upset at this point.  I feel in danger for my family and myself.