Morally Conscious

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Saturday, August 3, 2024

The Fantastic Four: How Stabbing Someone In The Back Turned Into More Felonious Assaults Over 14 Plus Years


I've done a lot of talking about female malevolent narcissists and terrorism.  This is probably something that many of the victims of this crime described over and over again to law enforcement while suffering through this crime.  I've seen the tears and suicides.  I've seen the hospitals and watched while Lori ripped people apart from the heart and mind.  I've seen the loss of careers and bank accounts.  I've felt your pain and been the shoulder to cry on more than I've ever laughed.  I can only tell you that I am still trying so that someone else doesn't have to go through this anymore with Lori LaFond and her friends.  It's important to me, if not anyone else.

For my part, I didn't live a perfect life.  It was a choice that I made when I found out that I got HIV without having the benefit of sex or using dirty needles.  I guess there was a feeling of "being robbed" from the time I heard the nurse tell me and my mom that I tested positive for the AIDS virus in 1987.  I couldn't believe it.  You could have knocked me over with a feather.  There was no way possible this could have happened, yet it did.  I knew for the first time in my life, at 19, that I was going to die and it was going to be painful.  I searched my heart for a reason to live and found it in my mother's eyes.  I still do.

Unlike the person who knocked me out and intentionally infected me, I became determined to make something happen in my life.  I immediately told my father and sister that this had happened, still not believing it was possible.  I couldn't lie to the people I loved.  I'm glad that I didn't.  I never knew that Lori had already penned her manifesto about hunting people down and giving them this disease so that, as she puts it, "They would know what SHE was going through."  If I had known that then, I would have been as offended as I am now.  I have a much better understanding of people now.  It isn't all that positive, but I have met some incredible people who wouldn't let me believe that all people were this way.  I was safe.  Afraid to love or be loved, I lived.  I kept in shape and found work that I loved instead.

Then I had to leave that job, like a relationship that shouldn't have been over but was.  I used drugs to make that feeling go away for a while.  It didn't work.  It only sparked Lori LaFond to greater feats of hate and destruction.  I had to find myself again.  So like so many others, I returned to my parent's home to start again, for the second or third time.  I forget.

Home for me is unfortunately the home of the killer too.  Though her ties to this community aren't the least bit good she's managed to live and sell drugs and lies to more people, but this time, I hit the ground with my own past of law and order.  I smashed it.  I spent time writing every senator in the United States.  I did television. I did radio.  I went to symposiums.  I met with the leading experts.  I became aware of the technology that ruined my life and who was responsible for stealing and using it against me and my family.  My knowledge was strong and I found a group to lend a hand.

The teams I put together teams comprised other victims with the same story.  They could not stand Lori LaFond or her friends, some of whom were once their friends too.  I knew who to be careful of and who not to trust.  At least I thought I had.  One team, locally, in particular, seemed to be on our side, but let me move into a home that Lori set up in Hesperia.  That was a nightmare.  Then I went back home again only to be set up again and again to the point where this team could no longer be trusted.  They blew it sky-high in Sedona, Arizona.  When the person that needed to be jailed was, they let her go.  It was a tragic blow to the victims of this crime.  We weren't this close to stopping her, we stopped her.

It was just before this that I knew that this team had befriended the three people that I would never have trusted.  Bessie Smith, Missy Erickson, and Katzenberg's neighbor "David".    The people that I trusted to help me had stabbed me in the back multiple times breaking all kinds of agreements that were simple to follow.  They simply couldn't stop Jeffrey from pledging his undying support for the three people that Lori used to scam others.  They were warned that this was what they were doing but that didn't matter.  After decades of being beaten down, I was beaten down again.  They dismantled one of the other teams too.  There was no longer any need to try to help parents that Missy Erickson lied to and that Jeffrey was cruel too.  It was so obvious that I wiped away all that was on the dry-erase board with my tears.  My trusted friends weren't.  It was all a set up and I, of course, fell for it.

They started to lie to me too.  Convinced my family members to also lie to me.  It was all to set up the theft that I've talked about way too many times on here.  They abused my mother by using her illness and played on the sympathies of my sister who also lost everything several times.  Lori LaFond all the while acting as though she'd accomplished something of a revenge plot...for what, I'm still not sure?  Literally, the victims of this crime helped Lori to victimize my entire family all over again.  They came from as far away as New York and as close as our own backyard.

Jeffrey swore his allegiance to three felons who posed as victims of the same crime, but it is nothing like the crime I've seen.  Their crimes are too numerous to even keep a tally.  They play at being victims as if they have no idea what it is like to work hard and have Lori destroy everything with her mind reading and hate.  I'd like to point out that since the three amigos infiltrated my investigation into my own rape, they've committed more felonies under Jeffrey's protection than any good that they could ever have done.  They still cry victim when it is convenient, but make no mistake, they aren't in any way like me or the hundreds of others that they helped to kill.  The best they could hope for is a Patty Hearst type of defense.  I'll remind you she still went to prison and remains a controversial terrorist to many.

I wanted to take just one second to ask Jeffrey Katzenberg if he is proud of himself?  The three people that you sought to do anything for, burned you and your family to the ground.  They are all felons now and all could face the death penalty.  Did you really protect them?  I don't think so.  I think you thought your money could do anything, it did the opposite.  It did nothing but cost you the respect of your family and likely some of them will lose their own freedom.  Your mom warned you this would happen, and it will.  When you see your son in jail, know that YOU put him there.  When you look at your father and father-in-law, you will see the disgust in their eyes for the rest of their lives.  When they finally close the door to your prison cell, know that I was the ONLY person who wanted to help you because NOBODY else was.  They wanted your money.  I wanted to save your son.

Was your never-ending promise worth your wife?  Your life?  I didn't do this to did.  You just couldn't stop yourself from hurting strangers.  You had so much fun lying to your family and friends.  I wonder if that is what does it for you?  I pray for your empty soul.  I don't think of you in any way that would ever benefit your family.  There is good and evil in this world.  You, sir, are not good.

For those of you who know and care, this was supposed to be my amends to my family for the HIV, drug use, and whatever else Lori put them through.  I wanted them to know that I never stopped fighting Lori LaFond my entire life.  They deserved so much more than Eugene and Marie Lafond told them.  They deserved so much more out of this life than false accusations and murders.  They deserved to have their investment in me pay off like it should have but for Jeffrey Katzenberg and his not-so-friendly wife.  I did all the work that I should have, they did virtually nothing but help the enemy to be free and to thrive.  It's way more than I should have done, but it was the only way I could make a difference.  It did work for some, but not for all.  Somewhere in time, my truth will be known.  When it is, I want everyone to know that my tortured life, was for you.

Thanks again for running my amends to everyone, Jeff and Marilyn.  You picked a fine time to fuck up everything.  So glad I got sober for this.