Morally Conscious

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Friday, July 5, 2024



There is nothing good about robbing an old lady with Alzheimer's Disease.  It's despicable and highly illegal.  The decision to use my sister to do this under the circumstances that Jeffrey knew existed is filthy, rotten, and abusive.  Jeffrey put a target on my sister's back the second he allowed this to go unpunished.  Instead, he embarked on another of Lori and Missy's, "I Love Lucy" hair-brained schemes.  Using my own sister was Jeffrey's way of causing a problem between the two of us.  What a novel idea that Lori has used for over four decades.  It's almost comical if it didn't cause so many problems.

Why did this happen?  Well, Lori needs an enemy to kill and my sister saw the people that live with Lori stealing this money via Jeffrey Katzenberg's reputation.  The money was in my mother's own savings account that she and I set up.  Taking this money and not telling me about it leaves one witness, which is my sister.  You see to scam this money from a little old lady with Alzheimer's, Jeffrey had to employ his worst decision-makers AFTER they already robbed his father and son of their finances in Sedona and Palm Springs.  Now, Lori has someone to kill in mind.  The witnesses saw Missy Erickson, Bessie Smith, and David, Jeffrey's neighbor pretending to be a homosexual.

Jeffrey stuck a massive target on my sister and she still doesn't know the truth about what he was doing with this money.  Nobody really even knows.  The fact that my sister can identify Missy Erickson, Bessie Smith, and David, makes her a target for violence.  Jeffrey has avoided all conversations with my family about this crime AND he has a history of threatening witnesses to not tell the truth.  Jeffrey and Missy are still deeply involved with this crime and nobody, even Jeffrey's wife, can't get him to stop.  While Missy Erickson sits less than a mile from the home where she caused all of these problems, Jeffrey is still protecting her.  Apparently, he's talked to all of the criminal's families trying to keep them -out of trouble.  I'm sorry but Jeffrey_come lately isn't someone that should be involved with this investigation.

All of the three people who scammed my mother out of this savings account have been left untouched by law enforcement.  They are criminals.  Whether they rob a bank with a gun or with a story that puts someone's life in danger or their finances, it is still bank fraud.  These three need to be put in prison and if Jeffrey participated, he belongs there too.  There is no more room for this kind of behavior.  I do not care about anything that this man does or says.  He lies and can't be trusted.

I do not like being extorted for kindness by this man.  Every day I have to hear how "mean I am to Jeffrey" from Lori LaFond.  My sister, it is alleged, has even received messages from Bessie Smith's phone that say, "Kevin isn't being nice enough to Jeffrey so he isn't doing anything!"  These are well known to Jeffrey and Marilyn and serve as a completion of the extortion plan that Jeffrey laid down when he robbed my elderly mother.  He, by the way, did the same thing to his own mother when she gifted money to Benjamin, and Jeffrey took it because he was jealous.

Jeffre has been told that I don't appreciate nor do I condone his relationship with my rapists.  I am extremely tired of his antics and his lack of concern for the public's safety.  His haphazard way of dolling out justice to criminals with warrants suggests that he believes he is also above the law.  I assure you that he is definitely not above the laws that I studied and saw enforced for over ten years in San Diego at the federal court.  His need to threaten my sister and force me to say nice things about his lousy attitude is not coming through the way he thinks.  I will not be forced into this position simply because he is a child, not an adult.  His continued assistance to the criminals with warrants, guilty pleas/sentences, and suspects is criminal.  His lawyer's advice is unsound and poorly executed on a victim's level and shows a complete disdain for public safety.  My sister should never have been used in this manner; he is the person I hold responsible.  NEVER was he given permission to speak to her.

You were asked to give a good-faith proffer to ensure that you and your wife and son weren't scamming others.  You did not provide any of that supportive information.  As far as I'm concerned Jeffrey and Marilyn are a shining example of what idiots do to help themselves to hurt other people and families.  Where is the proof that you aren't a key piece to this domestic terrorism, Jeffrey?  I don't have a single example of you telling the truth to anyone...not even your wife.   If you continue to use Lori and Missy to threaten me and mine, you will find yourself in prison.  I guarantee you that is about to happen.  No more Marilyn.  No more princess.  No more grandchildren.  You will lose it all.

Don't threaten me again.

Lori just threatened me again...two more times.

This is all Jeffrey's fault.

I would like to add that I am aware that Lori already texted the Erickson Family that Bessie, Missy, and David stole this money with Jeffrey's support.  This is something that should have been reported to the local police.  It doesn't appear that it was.  Now that I have that information, I will include the Erickson Family in the "obstruction" part of the charge with their daughter, Missy Erickson.  This is a crime, not a joke.  I worked a very long time for that money, paid taxes on it, and your daughter stole it with the help of a very disturbed man.  There has been nothing but hate towards my sister and me ever since they stole that money.  Let me get this straight, they stole it from me and I'm getting hate for saying so?  Huh?  The Erickson Family will be in deep trouble for not reporting this theft or at least the text that says they did.  I want this to serve as a warning to all of you; touch my family again and you will have no more defense.

So to be straight here.  I helped Jeffrey's son.  He in turn put my entire family in danger.  Robbed them.  Robbed me.  He hasn't ever apologized or even come close.  I guess he thinks his shit smells like doesn't.

I think that the messages from Bessie Smith to my sister will suffice as proof that Jeffrey Katzenberg is deeply involved in the elderly abuse of my mother.