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I highly recommend Ella Free's website FFTI: Freedom For Targeted Individuals
This website is amazing and comes with lots of information for people from credible sources. It's one of the best I've ever seen and Ella is a really great Podcast host as well!!!

Monday, March 4, 2024

What Lori Jean LaFond Has Inside Of Her Is Eventually Going To Eat Her Alive...Crystal Meth And Needles Are To Blame! Sepsis, This Is What It Really Looks Like Lori!


Most of Lori Jean LaFond's victims fall into the hospital not because of HIV-related complexes, but because of the bacterial staph infection that she has inside of her lungs and bloodstream.  It is common for heavy needle users to become septic and when Lori LaFond gives you this infection, you have to be certain that you get it completely out of your body or you too could end up septic like this Texas teacher.

Most of us end up in the hospital with bacterial staph pneumonia which feels a lot like the flu but begins to feel like a knife stabbing you through the front of your lungs to the back of your lungs.  You run a high fever and if you don't get to the hospital on time, you will die from bacterial staph-related pneumonia because it literally eats your lungs.  There really isn't a whole lot the hospital can do after the staph infection eats through the lung alveoli.  Once it is in the lining of your lungs it is hard to get the medicine to the places it needs to go to stop the infection.  

While you may become more susceptible to this bacterial staph if you are HIV positive and untreated, if you are treated and undetectable you could still easily get sick from the pneumonia and die.  Most of Lori's victims die from bacterial staph infections in the lungs when Lori gives them the "kiss of death" while they are knocked out and unconscious.

Lori knows when she is highly infectious, but she could infect you through the air with this kind of bacterial staph.  It is another reason why Lori Jean LaFond needs to steal Bactrim from her victims to keep herself from looking like she has a staph blood infection.  It gets rid of the sores, but rarely when the lung tissue isn't fully treated it just keeps coming back.  Lori is a massive needle user and the junk she uses to get high is not of the quality of even the cleanest of meth... low-quality meth (or any meth) is a deadly combination for Lori.
Eventually, she and her brother will lose their limbs and be wheelchair-bound if they don't get to the hospital.  Cipro is what the doctors gave me to get rid of the infections that I got twice from Lori contacting me.  It is an intentional infection that Lori gives and she knows it kills.  Quick diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up are essential to this disease's treatment.  Spread the word, Lori shouldn't be in public with tuberculosis and this deadly disease.

If you want to read about Sherri Moody's story, click here.