Morally Conscious

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I highly recommend Ella Free's website FFTI: Freedom For Targeted Individuals
This website is amazing and comes with lots of information for people from credible sources. It's one of the best I've ever seen and Ella is a really great Podcast host as well!!!

Saturday, March 2, 2024

A Staircase of Violence That Uses Different Families As Steps...I've Spent Three Full Days Listening To Lori LaFond's Violent Loop of Sadism


The decision to do nothing and allow Lori LaFond free reign to talk to me and stalk my family was not mine.  The anger and hate that she has heaped upon my family for decades is nothing new for us.  We've heard her lies and these weird needs that she has for someone to become "her family" now for decades.  We lost one family member to Lori's fantasies, and then another to the same type of lies she used the first time.  Lori isn't dealing with her problems, she's creating more for us to deal with while nobody does a single thing to hold her responsible for the past violence that she ordered up in her brain.

Lori's life is nothing more than a series of observed events and psychological game-playing.  Her past violence is a weapon that she uses to play tricks with my mind.  If you think about the past, she gets sexually excited by the violence and pain it caused.  Even when things work out, Lori's mind disqualifies the result with an ending that suits her fantasy.  For example, Lori's salacious need to have a teacher (my father) have sex with a male student (Lori's homosexual obsession) went to the police after she manufactured evidence of a fantasized crime.  When the case went to trial, not even the alleged victim was willing to testify against my father because it simply was not true.  It was also uncovered that it was Lori Jean LaFond that made the whole thing up. This was something that Lori never knew.  So about six years later she tried it again with a different student, but this time we were way ahead of her.  My father was acquitted of the first accusations but Lori tells everyone the opposite.  That's her fantasy coming up with a new ending, one that would make her own father accept her fantasy.  It wasn't reality and Lori knew it.

I've lived with Lori's lies for so long now that I've become well accustomed to them.  Most people that she tells are fairly certain that she is a lunatic, but when she goes to the police, they are obligated to start a series of events.  Just ask Coach Steve Fabian about what that is like.  Most people don't know that Coach Fabian is a great friend of my father's and was instrumental in the first accusation that Lori made against my dad.  He knew she was planting evidence and knew that she had massive problems inside her brain.  Most military people know this too.  Lori made up this story again and again, every time with men and boys until she went after Steven Fabian with a female student.  Lori's need wasn't just to hurt the adult, she wanted the minor to be involved in this farce as well.  In the end, the student looks like a creep for making false accusations, and the school isn't that friendly with them.  Lori's need to hurt minors goes along with her pedophilic need to hurt children.  We see more of that in Sedona, Arizona.

To this day Lori tells people that the two boys she filmed and photographed in Arizona, "were mean to her."   This is one of those things that most adults hear and cringe.  Lori, at the time, was a 42-year-old woman and completely incapable of discerning that she had problems with these now young men that went back to their ages of 8 and 9 years old.  They were supposed to not like her.  Most children don't.  This woman parked herself on the corner in Palm Springs and pretended to be a "safety monitor"/crossing guard at a nearby intersection close to her apartment complex.  You see, every situation for Lori is a chance to abuse someone.  Kids are her favorite targets.  She's even made pornographic movies with them.  When we tried to report her to the police, we got the same runaround that we got when we were raped.  Lori's friends protected her by treating us, gay people, like some kind of liars.  Look at the television interview I did on this blog.  What kind of police department says what these police say on television? It's a remark that should have been punished in the courtroom.  It still might be.

Then Lori set out to humiliate me even further by changing the physical report from the Riverside Crime Lab to say the complete opposite of what the original report said.  She even used the same report number and lab tech's name.  This is an obvious attempt for Lori to exonerate herself.  When the police chief called me, he completed the humiliation by telling me that there was no DNA found in the coagulated blood from my clothing.  Lori squealed into the microphone, "I can't believe I got away with everything!"  She then went to Sedona, Arizona where she continued to try to kill me and molest those two boys.  It was a week-long crime-fest for Lori and she, once again, pretended to herself out of jail by using some fake ids like an 18-year-old trying to get into a bar underaged.  It's a sick and twisted mind that we are dealing with, but for her, it works because of a lack of honesty from a few adults.  The people that knew better, did nothing to stop her.

Now I have to endure long nights at work where she berates and comments on my every thought like grinding in her taunting to the point where she thinks that I will get violent or suicidal.  I'm not even considering either as an option.  I wouldn't give her the satisfaction of making me angry ever again.  She points her crimes at her victims and their families like a loaded gun and taunts everyone to "catch her if they can."  I intend to catch her as soon as the shackles are taken off by the man who put them on me 14 years ago.  My hands have been bound by a person who feels more for the criminals than the actual people that Lori hurt.  How does that happen?  Bad lawyering and bad advice are two of the reasons.  Greed and grandstanding are two more.   I've worked hard to bring you all the truth.  Someone doesn't want you to know it.

I suggest that everyone, anyone, or someone who has lived through this tragedy of monotonous threats do what I've done.  Talk about it.  There is strength in numbers.  There is no more shame in this crime being hidden.  The world knows these microchips exist and we know who put them inside of us.

You can not understand what the monotony of a mentally ill person is like inside the mind of a good person.  I do.  I've heard her constant spinning of the truth for so long that I too have an answer for all of Lori's lies.  Just like Lori has a spin on every single thing that a person tells her.  It's a cycle that I am trying desperately to break into pieces.  I don't have much help with this.  Someone decided that I had to be isolated and forgotten, but I'm not easily left behind.  For 14 years my lifetime stalker's family has given her a place to live close enough to my family that Lori could strike at any given second.  I've already heard about Lori's shootout in high school where her own family couldn't keep her from shooting up the same home twice in one week with the same occupants inside.  She's not going to stop and her drug use is astronomical.  Now she has friends to help her with every single diabolical step along her staircase of families that she wants to destroy.  Her friends remain the biggest threat to our safety and freedom.

Spending the rest of my life looking over my shoulder is not appealing to me.  I've spent most of my life doing that already.