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Monday, March 25, 2024

Billboards For The Victims and Their Families: The Military Could Do So Much More To Stop Lori Jean LaFond's Lesbian Mafia


I am really in a state of sadness and anger at a few things that happened with this crime.   I grew up with many military families I loved, played sports, and shared lives with. Yet, people need to understand how poorly the situation with Lori Jean LaFond was handled by pretty much everyone who knew what she had and what she was like.

I have to give it to a few of my friends from high school who tried, without divulging Lori's theft or this technology to the general public, genuinely tried to warn me about Lori's evil intentions for this tech.  They didn't go all the way but they went as far as they could, at the time.  What happened is not really something that most people could conceive of.  The absolute ambush of the general public and the LGBTQ+ community, in general, was nothing less than a slaughter of people who were unaware of this crime and what Lori intended to do with it.  Indeed, she should have been serving a long sentence when she lured me to Palm Springs, California to be implanted and infected with HIV before I'd ever had sex.  I never could have been HIV+ when I got it.  It was an impossibility.

Nobody knows how horrible it is to live in a city like Palm Springs where 1 in 36 people was implanted.  It sure did feel like everyone for a while.  You can ask many victims what that City was like and they will tell you, "There is something wrong with the people there!"  It was something that I knew I felt, coming from San Diego.  I was gang stalked there and even then, I never felt the police state against our community like there existed in Palm Springs.  It was horrible.  The zombies of electronic harassment in our community were everywhere.  Lori, Brian, and their friends implanted everyone and turned it into a free-for-all for a mentally ill drug addict who hates gay people so much that she would use her own HIV to infect hundreds....maybe even more!  Little kids were even infected.  I've heard of an 8 and 9-year-old that Lori infected and implanted.  Where were the police?  Where was that investigation into their sexual assaults?  In most cases, it is an automatic investigation into their infection.  In Palm Springs, it went without a single mention.

While it was well known to the families that grew up and were implanted by the military that Lori LaFond was using this technology illegally, people like me, civilian friends of theirs, were completely blindsided.  It was an ambush of everything we knew and worked our tails off for.  I was on her list of people that she "hated" from the time I was in the 5th grade.  I'd never even heard of this girl with the sexual imagination of the Marquis de Sade.  Lori began her tirade on the public by starting in on the people who lived in town after a historically bad time on the Marine Corps base.  Those who lived there were well aware of her odd and homicidal behavior.  There is absolutely no way in this universe that someone with Lori's paraphillic beginnings should have ever gone without being arrested for this crime.   She was the exact wrong person to have ever been given access to a person's mind.

When a 17-year-old girl goes to a home and shoots up the people inside, all kids, she should immediately be placed in an institution for the mentally ill or treated like an adult by the legal system and taken immediately into custody.  Instead, Lori didn't get into any trouble at all.  She, in fact, made up a second party at the SAME HOME, three days later and went back to kill whomever she could put a bullet through.  All the while Lori was "looking for Kevin Bond".  That is some really scary shit that someone should have made exceptionally apparent to me.  They didn't.  Instead, I got the usual warnings that Lori was "weird" "freaky" or "mental" but this goes way beyond that for me.   The mere mention of that circumstance could have kept me from a life of being stalked.   Like I've said before, I'd encountered Lori three or four times and I knew she wanted to kill me.  I could tell by the hatred and fervor she verbally attacked me.  It felt violent.  So no amount of telling me that she was "dangerous" was going to help, but homicidal?  That would and should have happened.

She's made at least six or seven attempts on my life.  Minimum.  She sent her brother to San Diego to follow my every move with more stalkers than I've ever read about by other victims.  They were simply everywhere!

Lori began ambushing my family with allegations that blindsided my entire family and all of our friends.  It wasn't just outlandish, it was sick and depraved.  She would end up doing this over and over again over the years, but I found out that she had been doing this to the people on the military base long before that.  Why didn't the military intervene when my father and others were accused without any basis...and the military fathers got nothing but commended for turning Lori in.  My father was put on trial and it was in all the newspapers, yet nobody from the military did anything.  For a 10-year-old boy, it was hard.  Lori's a pedophile though and that makes her happy (Allegedly charges from Sedona, Arizona will prove it.)  The worse the better.

She stole careers, bank accounts, and worse, lives from people who had no idea what this was or who was behind it.  I, unfortunately, knew Lori and that made me and even bigger target with my own sister and family ranking right near the top of her hit list.  

What I want people like General Etnyre to know is that my whole life was lived at the mercy of the mistakes that were made by not finding and stopping her from using this system against the general public.  Like I said, I wouldn't have been here to tell you any of this if the situation in Palm Springs was any worse than it was.  The hospital wasn't professional.  The police were unprofessional.  The courts were unprofessional.  I studied my whole life to work for law enforcement in the courtroom.  What I saw was the glaring effect of the Holocaust.   Our community of gay people was slaughtered by one woman going out and giving everyone she could find AIDS.  In the meantime, she would harass and torture these men and their families until their deaths.  Even while they lay in a hospital dying, Lori would harass them until they were gone.  To their last dying breath, Lori taunted and gloated over them.

The audacity to think that the U.S. Military could locate and find other terrorists like Osama Bin Ladin or Saddam Hussein hiding in a hole makes me wonder just how hard the USMC really tried to find her.  It takes an IP Address and a military connection to commit this crime, though now it is on a live chat for a fee.  You can watch almost anyone that Lori has stalked or stolen from if you just pay her enough money.  These are innocent Americans living with terror on a minute by minute basis.  Any monetary success by any of her victims is simply wiped out by her friends stealing bank accounts and robbing them until they have nothing.  When that dries up, she even goes after their family members begging for "birthday money for their kids" or some scheme where she pretends to be law enforcement informing their loved ones of horrible things.  It's terrorism.

What I want General Etnyre to learn is what this military technology did to my entire family.  I want to know what he and his successor are going to do about it.  It's not legal and it is highly dangerous to the general public that they go to war to protect.  The war isn't just in the Middle East or Ukraine, it's right here in the Morongo Valley and Imperial Valley.

There is no excuse for my family to have to watch me struggle to survive because they just don't have the desire to find and stop her.  If she goes after military dependents that grew up, they can simply go to a military base with the confidence they need to have the implants removed, but not civilians.  Nope, they are left to suffer at the hands of the USMC's biggest mistake in technology history.  That is Lori LaFond and her friends.

My mom should have been able to be proud of me just like General Etnyre's son, with whom I am friendly.  He got to live a life without Lori LaFond because if she started up with him, he would have had these implants removed.  We were left to suffer from AIDS and die.  My mom will never get to see me succeed again in her lifetime.  This isn't something that innocent civilians, like myself, should have gone through.  My friends are the same.  All innocent and all terrorized into their 50s and 60s by a woman who was Hellbent on spreading a disease that was written off by the PSPD as a "gay thing".    Their involvement with Lori LaFond involves Bryan Anderson whom Lori has stalked for years with this tech.  He could have done so much good by letting people know how to get these things out of our heads, but nothing ever happened.

I'm not a failure to launch as a person, but you would think so if you looked at my life now.  I had great success with the US District Court until Lori LaFond, "Just couldn't take it any longer", I believe she meant my success.  Everything good I did, she blew up into a firey situation that left many people in danger and some dead.  She shot at me to end my career with the Justice Department.  She set up the shooting death of my brother-in-law.  How much more should my family have to take with her own family's silence about what they know she has done.  It's not fair or funny.  It's an absolute wipeout of our entire family tree.  There is no end in sight and everyone that knows just keeps brushing it aside like it doesn't matter.  

It does matter.

Now it would appear that Missy Erickson and Lori LaFond are going after another family member of mine.  Shame on all of you for letting that happen to such a good person.  You must think you are above it all.  I think you are sadists.  My father never deserved one second of what Lori LaFond and the USMC put him through.  They didn't care about our family at all.

When the call to action was needed people sat on their hands and made calls to make others do the same.  That's not heroic, it's cowardice and it sends the wrong message to a megalomaniac.  You may not believe she is this homicidal but my friends should know since our junior year of high school.  Lori, who is not in our class, even showed up to our 20-year reunion to re-confront the same girl whose home was shot up in 1985!!! Where is the justice and where is the military?