I wanted to start off by saying, I am really surprised that she hasn't been imprisoned by now, but not by what she did. If you know Lori LaFond like many of my friends do, you know she is completely without her mental faculties which is how I knew she never worked for the City of LaQuinta, in fact, if I were the CoL, I would want to be involved in the capture of this dangerous hypocrite domestic terrorist. What a feather in their cap it would be for their own constituents to know our city government stopped the most notorious domestic terrorist of our time. This would also go a long way to show how the CoL cares about the LGBTQ+ community after they used this restraining order against a police informant trying to take away my right to free speech. Lori was clearly not capable of being employed by the City and she used a family member to cover her tracks.
I've heard rumors that she even took this same family member's home away from her in the Cat City Cove on Treasure Chest, just one street away from the home she burned to the ground with some of my friends inside.
Lori's got a lot of problems and she created all of them for herself.
Creatively, I would ask the City's employees, gay or otherwise if they have ever heard of Lori's reputation as the PSPD's snitch or the PSPD's rapist? I'll bet you some of them have...how would they like to know that their city helped her get away with stopping the informant on the case against her??? I am certain Lori's reputation precedes her. I would never work for someone who protected Lori Jean LaFond. How they did it, might not go over too well with the LGBTQ+ employees there either.