This is the response to Lori's fire-starting, for us to prevail without violence or unnecessary deaths by infection. It's a blog that asks for nothing more than a peaceful and non-violent legal solution to this crime!
Believe me when I say, this blog is a response, not any kind of thing that I would have done had Lori Jean LaFond not spent her whole life stalking me and my family. This isn't the only response that I've made either. When she had her brother shoot at me, I called the police and reported it. When she had my father accused of molesting a student, we went to court and proved it wasn't true (three or more other parents had to after that). When she raped and beat me senseless, I went to the hospital to report the rape and get admitted. The proof is on this blog to the right. They didn't admit me because of Lori LaFond's friends who stole the MRIs two times. The same friends that live with her now!
I reported my rape at home on the advice of Bryan Anderson, I ended up getting arrested five more times for absolutely nothing. I became an informant to stop her. I did all of my research. Still, nobody protected me. Nobody ever has. This blog is my way of protecting my friends, and my loved ones.
Lori acts like this blog started some kind of feud. It was the response to the feud that SHE STARTED when I was in the sixth grade. I have the emails to prove it.
She won't relent. She won't stop harassing me and my family. She's harassed my co-workers and boss. She is a freaking obsessed serial killer and nobody is doing anything to stop her. She even had the audacity to steal from my father's own home, several times, then return something that she stole and act like she didn't steal it. Of course, it didn't have anything that was with it when she stole it, but that's just Lori.
I have so many friends who have been harassed by Lori Jean LaFond including others that have been shot. I have a boyfriend who was illegally jailed for a year and a half for renting a bicycle which Lori turned into a "strong armed robbery" within minutes. That's what she called it when she pretended to be a witness to the crime and called her police officers. She wasn't even in Palm Springs when that happened. She simply called it in, had him taken out of town to be booked and then he went to jail for a year and a half. What the fuck is going on Bryan Anderson??? Your four-year girlfriend is a fucking psychopath and you are just going to let her kill again?
Mrs. LaFond, I know she is a difficult "childish" adult, but she IS AN ADULT! She needs to be put in a place where she and her brother can stop terrorizing me and my family, RIGHT FUCKING NOW!
She is going to kill me. I am telling you she's already gone all the way to Sedona, Arizona to do that. When is someone going to treat the gay guy like he is a person???
The drugs and the computers in that home where Lori LaFond is are dangerous. She is highly infectious. She forgets one day to the next about what we can already prove about her. Even her former attorney knows that she isn't who she says she is. When do attorneys in this area start doing their jobs?
Missy Erickson is already a proven homewrecker and now she is passively allowing Lori to do more drugs because she damn well knows what kind of person she turns into. She's seen it before. She sat right there when Lori killed my brother-in-law, selling him drugs and lying to him. At the same time, Lori was telling my own sister that I was on drugs, which I wasn't. Who the fuck does she think she is.
Now, once again, where I live is too safe for Lori to handle. So she has begun to try to make that go away too. It's the same shit every single day with her. She burns me when I get home. She screams at me so I get five hours of sleep. She begins the night before I go to work with Christian cheerleading her into anger, then acts like I've done something to her. Guilt is a powerful thing and when it comes to my family, she is a killer. I can prove it.
Bad policing is to blame. The PSPD's poor response to their 35 year problem with her caused more deaths and more theft. I am not going to die quietly like others have before me. I am going to stop this domestic terrorist with or without Jeffrey's help or Bryan Anderson's. My death is on their hands...believe it.