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Saturday, October 7, 2023

98,000 Hits Last Month, This Month 398...Wonder What Happened? Who Did It Benefit and Why?


From 3800 hits a day to 50...I can't imagine what just happened and I am pretty sure who is behind it, but this just demonstrates the obstruction of justice that I receive anytime someone decides to help me or help themselves.  Someone told my team "not to perform".  That isn't how you protect the public, it's how you put them in danger.

There is a way to prove that both Lori and Brian were DNA linked to the crimes in Sedona, Arizona, and to my rape and Benjamin's molestation as a minor.  You see there is a DNA sample for both Lori and Brian on file under the two names that were used in Arizona.  Then there is the DNA from my rape that shows that it was a brother and sister.  The DNA will allegedly match the Arizona case to the frozen blood in my crime lab report.  Then there is the conviction of Benjamin's molester who committed the crime across the street from his childhood home with the help of David their "LaFond" neighbor.

Here is where I continue to have a problem with the judicial decisions made in the cases where Lori LaFond is involved.  There allegedly was a female at the time of Benjamin's attempted molestation.  That female was unknown to Benjamin but he now knows that it was Lori LaFond.  The same girl that ended up beating and raping him with an implant and her STD's.  Now he knows it was her.  David, suspected of luring Benjamin into that situation is still living with Lori and was in Sedona, Arizona.  How in the fuck did a judge who had a defendant that could not bail out, issue a self-surrender on a case where he was found guilty?!?!  It's outrageous.  Just like with Steven Frey's drug conviction, he was convicted and served 3 1/2 years in prison but was also given a self-surrender date.  I'm suggesting that there is foul play afoot.  I should know being a former deputy courtroom clerk.  

Self-surrender dates mean that the defendant who usually can not bail out is convicted and then let out of jail so they can self-report to prison?  That makes no sense, especially in significant drug cases and in child molestation.  You don't free a defendant after a guilty verdict, you put them in jail pending prison assignment.  The reason that this has been done is so that Lori LaFond can fulfill her "forever a slave" dream of having someone convicted so she can make them look dead.  They assume another name using this system and go on with their lives as another person.  A convicted child molester?  I can tell you this, Lori told my family that her brother was living in San Diego, keeping an eye on me.  This would have been about the time he was convicted under a false name and didn't show up for his sentence because some dipshit judge of Lori's, could make such a stupid decision!!!  It's ludicrous.

I think that Steven Frey will tell everyone that Lori had a fantasy about someone playing dead and asked Steven if he would even though she was the person that got him arrested.  This is how she blackmails someone into a lifetime of servitude!  If he plays dead, then Lori will force him to do all kinds of things to keep him out of jail.  She has the power to call the police and say, "He's playing dead and didn't show up for his sentence."  Also, Lori is already indicted, allegedly for using a false name and jumping bail, so it isn't without question that she would do something like this.  

My point is that there is DNA from my rape, DNA from the Arizona case, and DNA from Benjamin's molestation case with an identification of a second molester.  They will all match.  This is because the DNA is that of Lori LaFond and her brother Brian.  Why this upsets someone's father, I have no idea.  In crime, it isn't about a person's name because criminals lie.  It's about the DNA they provide during their booking with photos and fingerprints.  We aren't looking for a ghost, we're looking for DNA matches or photos or fingerprints to tie Lori and Brian to each of the cases.  Someone is obstructing that from happening.  Why isn't it being done?  Our stalker is a known killer in our community...why haven't law enforcement officers done their jobs?  It's's Lori LaFond and too much to deal with.

Who did this stall help?  Look at a certain box dyed blonde for those answers.  We didn't need her then and we don't now. 

What I can tell you is that when I tried to return to the U.S. Dept of Justice and work for the Southern District of California, my friend, who is in charge, became cold and basically was getting bombarded with phone calls about some girl working for a father that was investigating me.  I have to tell you that I was pissed off that anyone who knows why I reapplied there, should have been happy for me.  Not this father.  He let that whole rumor started by Lori, stand.  Why? 

In the end, I am happy to know that when this father is gone, my team does their best.  The two of them were outstanding and from what I hear they were so good at what they did, that nobody was feeling any more animosity towards them.  Like it or not, we are being hurt by our own families; a design that Missy Erickson and Lori LaFond drew up 30 years ago, only it's obvious this time who the drug addicts are!

I like my friends much better when they are themselves!  They are much better people than one individual and a criminal is making them look.  The last time people took his advice I lost all of my friends because they listened to him.  Don't.  He won't help you.  He is "in love" with an "idea" whose name is Missy Erickson.