Morally Conscious

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Saturday, September 23, 2023

"Why Does Everyone Hate Me," Lori Sarcastically Squeals, Daily, To Further Harass Her Victims?!? Insult Added To Injury Is Lori's Humiliation Game


There are few words to describe how much Lori Jean LaFond appears to enjoy hurting people.   I have seen her work for so many years and know how many times I've watched her do things that nobody should be getting away with.   My conclusion is that she is the worst type of serial killer and that she believes that her narcissistic immunity keeps her safe.  There really is no reason why she does the things that she does, she just likes doing them.  Whenever she can cause great stress, Lori interjects herself into the rape victim's life by spying on them until a problem arises or she causes one.

I can remember many things that Lori has done to my family and others that would have gotten any other person arrested and imprisoned.  As for myself, she caused a great big problem for my father when I was in the sixth grade.  She knew that I was a witness that would refute her claims and when my father was acquitted, she decided to target me.  She ran around telling everyone that she was responsible for the entire case against my father and that she had gotten away with having him falsely accused.  Nothing new to me in my later life, Lori had falsely accused me from Riverside to San Diego to Palm Springs and now in 29 Palms.  Her, "I'm so innocent act" isn't working with me any longer.  She should have been jailed for stalking a witness in my father's case a long time ago.  She's since gone on to stalk my sister, brother-in-law, both nieces and parents.  The constant phone calls to report something bad she did to me were obvious.

If Lori wants to know why she feels that "everyone hates her" then she needs to look no further for an answer than her own bathroom mirror.  She can't understand why humiliating the people that she infected with the AIDS virus is even worse than infecting them.   At the same time it is really obvious that she has spent many years coming up with answers to victim's reasons why what she did to them wasn't legal or good.  Of course nobody wants to be around the girl that gave them a deadly disease, would you?  The intentional infliction of emotional distress that Lori transfers from her own guilt to her rape victims is the stuff that urban legends are made of.  She included the Palm Springs Police Department in her terror organization led to her victims not trusting the police.  I tested that theory once and will never send one of my friends to see the police without a lawyer involved.  Ask Anthony Dabiere what happened when the police chief asked me to send him someone that had seen the kiddie porn.  No way his experience doesn't show the reason our community has to seek federal refuge.

Her next level is to contact the victim's sisters first, then the parents of her own rape victims.  She'll repeatedly call the parents of the rape victims and tell them the absolute worst information about them...true or not.  Most of her "informing of our parents" is a lie.  Lori is responsible for almost all of the problems a rape victim has after she has infected and implanted them.  I can't think of a single problem that I've had since the last rape that Lori didn't get involved with.  She calls herself a "personal assistant" to people she has never met so she can legitimize her knowing information that she stole from our thinking.