Morally Conscious

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Sunday, September 17, 2023

What Kind of Animal Kicks A Girl In The Face? Steel Toed Boots Are Her Weapon of Choice...With Phenobarbital Her Poisonous Best Friend


After the last three days straight of nothing but Lori Jean LaFond screaming at me, I've decided on a different tactic.  Might as well tell the stories that I do know the PSPD fucked up, right?

Most of you know and forget about the fact that I was once asleep at a friend's home, completely sober, when Lori LaFond stopped by without any permission and beat my skull in.  I believe she tells people, "I beat his brains out."  That sent me to the hospital two times for MRIs because my head was exploding with pain.  Lori has learned from a past event that when she goes too far, her victims end up on life support in the hospital.
Of course, most hospitals would take a look at the MRIs that were ordered but Desert Regional Memorial Hospital didn't; twice!  I had to suffer at home with no hospitalization or medication through my broken skull.
No police came when I tried to report the rape.  They were called, but they didn't show.

This was the aftermath of a different story about Lori that perhaps many of you will identify with better.  This is the Tracy Johnson story.  Yes, Christian Johnson's sister.  This is a family with three members of their household that Lori raped and implanted; infected and watched for decades.  Tracy's story was really horrible and what you don't know is that Lori, just like with my rape, filmed the entire thing.  She still watches it from Jackie Palmer's drug den in Joshua Tree, California.  When she does and she is wearing her skull cap, I can see the fucking movie too.  It makes me sick to my stomach to watch Tracy come in and then fall to the floor where Lori severely kicks her body and face multiple times until her face caves in.  That fucking bitch Lori!!!

That video resides in the Palmer's complex where Lori and her friends, including Tracy's own brother, watch Lori nearly kill her.  This is what that six-pack of drug addicts do for entertainment.  You can hear them whooping and hollering about the impact points where Tracy is bleeding and nearly dead on the floor.  It isn't funny.  It's a sick piece of Lori's own fantasies that she is dying to repeat again.  That's your daughter Mrs. LaFond.  Isn't she a precious piece of work?

Here's the thing, even though Joe and Tracy Johnson are able to watch Lori like all the other people that someone helped, neither has had the brains or the courage to combine to stop Lori with law enforcement by turning their own family member in.  They are very well aware that Christian has been following me for over 30 years, but do you think that either of them has done anything to stop Christian from trying to hurt me or my sister?  Nope, not a word from either.  You would think that with the website and both of them being implanted and harassed by Lori, that they could combine to make a very powerful argument against Lori's freedom.  Getting a search warrant for Lori's home isn't hard when they have referenced that very piece of shit film in conversations with Christian.  What is the goddamn problem now?  I'm trying to help you Tracy and all you sent me was your brother?  Thanks but even you don't want him around.  This could result in a criminal charge against Tracy and Joe.

I want to be clear here, I feel for Tracy, I feel for Joe, but your asshole brother and son are unbearable for me.  You should never have let him come here and stalk my family without saying something to law enforcement.  Now I am pissed off.  Two people that didn't deserve this are also two people that someone helped and they did nothing.  Tracy and Joe are making everyone look afraid of Lori and I'm not going to allow them to keep quiet and play the victim later.

I'm calling them out.

She didn't forget to bring her steel-toed boots back to Joshua Tree, California.  Wonder whose face she wants to kick in now.  No, I don't wonder, I know it's my sister or her kids.  By now Jeff has done so little that Lori is pointing directly at my family because he is so fucking inept.

Don't be like Missy Erickson, Tracy, my sister has been through so much more than these people will ever know.  Long before there were the Johnsons, there were the Bonds...and we suffered.