Morally Conscious

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Sunday, September 24, 2023

Finally, Lori Jean LaFond's Terror Is As Viral As She Is! She's Internet Infamous and Calls For Her Arrest Are GROWING FAST! Nobody Wants Her Tuberculosis or AIDS Virus!


I am supposed to act like it is no big deal but I have to tell you, I am so impressed with all of you for taking the time to find out what we have been up to these's been a rollercoaster of stupid with Lori Jean LaFond.  I don't think I've ever heard so much "aggressive-passive-aggressive" behavior in my entire life.  Lori is giving everyone an unwanted show as to how she likes to threaten her rape victims into submission or a grave.  

Just two nights ago while I was asleep, Lori took to her microphone and told me that both of my parents were dead.  Isn't that a threat?  I would assume that it is a violation of her pretrial release from Arizona in the Maricopa Courthouse.  I have never seen or heard so many people calling for her arrest and punishment through the legal system.  Lori is flaunting herself again like she is some kind of prize pony, but she's still the old gray mare she used to be.  I want to know just how many of you have had your parents or loved ones threatened by Lori with death?  Are any of you concerned that she is still sitting free in her sister's husband's home?  She is and she isn't going away fast enough for me.

Above you can see what your interest in our case of domestic terrorism has been doing according to the numbers.  We are just a few hundred hits/views from our 80,000th for this month.  I know it says 8/31/23 but that is just Blogger, they count this month as last month.  I don't know why?  It was only two months ago that after 13 years of trying we finally got our 250,000th hit.  To give you an idea we are on our 350,000 hit only two months later.  We've averaged about 3422 hits a day for the last month and I know it is because of Benjamin, Martin, and a few friends of ours from the "Influencer" community.  I am eternally grateful for all of your support from TooTurntTony to the James Charles to the Dolans and Jeffree Star to the incomparable NikkiTutorials and others...we love you all.  TonyDirects and so many others have been helpful to my team and supportive of the things we do.  We had to learn just like everyone else.  I don't know of any blogs that get this kind of attention.  It's amazing.

Lori, on the other hand, thinks it is all about her.  She's gotten meaner so she's getting more attention.  I can tell you from the mail, she has so many people that know she's the person that did this and people are calling for her arrest warrants from Arizona and California to be executed.  It doesn't matter what name she used, her booking photos and DNA are on file as well as her prints.  She is an escaped fugitive from the court system and she doesn't give a fuck about judges and cops.  She dares them to arrest her.  She has names for y'all and they aren't very nice.

For the rest of us, I am so proud of all of you for caring about what has happened here in Palm Springs, California.  I can guarantee you this, you haven't heard the most juicy of the details about this horrible crime and what Lori planned for our community.  I am 100% behind the victims and know that if you are one of them, you enjoy that I give Lori the shit she deserves after how she treated you and your family.  You are probably lucky to be alive.  There is a lot of salacious information coming forward about the former "Queen of Palm Springs" and although it makes me sick, I relish every single time she has to face the truth about who she is and what she is like.

Thank you for your interest.  I want you to know that it was YOU that I was your attention that I was hoping to catch.  Do you have any suggestions as to how to put Lori back into her cage in Arizona???  Let us know.