Morally Conscious

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Tuesday, September 5, 2023

True Crime Testimony of the Week: Lori Exhibits The Same Kinds of Behaviors and Fantasies That This Guy Does Only He DID Have A Relationship With His Victim, Lori and I Do Not Have ANY Relationship At All!!!


Each week I will try to give you guys something to hear from a true crime case if it reminds me of Lori Jean LaFond or her behaviors.  This time we are listening to the opening arguments for the Dr. Amie Harwick murder case.  To catch you up, Dr. Harwick is known as the former fiancĂ© of Drew Carey, whom our heart goes out to on this one.  I am a big TPIR fan and a huge fan of Drew's.  This has got to be very hard for him to have to deal with as a friend of Dr. Harwick.  I would suggest to him that if you truly are the friend that I know you are, you have to stand and speak for her and the others that are stalked by mentally ill people.  She deserves that Drew.

In this case, Gareth Pursehouse, Dr. Harwick's ex, saw her at a "Porn Con" type of setting where the Dr.'s  intimacy therapist expertise was on display.  For me, a very red flag when it comes to Lori LaFond.  Lori, as you know, is highly jealous of my friendships with people in the industry as well.  I've known many guys in the gay adult entertainment world and Lori is a huge fan of gay men's porn.  She "knows every gay performer there is", according to the statements that Lori has made.   She knows them from film, I don't.  I know them from friendships and introductions like normal people.  I spent many years working out in gyms and that's where you meet these people in this industry and others.

I am sure that Mr. Pursehouse was ready for this encounter and the Dr. became aware of his obsession with every text she ever sent him.  He knew the dates and times and what exactly was said.  The Dr. was stunned but aware of his problems.  Lori is the same way.  She steals yearbooks and can recite every word of what someone once wrote to me 30 plus years ago in high school.   Every single one of my yearbooks is in her possession.  I certainly did not give them to her.  One was stolen from the apartment that I was shot near.  The other three were stolen from my trailer home when I was living with my parents.  Lori confronts people with their own writings in my yearbooks, it's really sick.

As you listen to the opening statements of the prosecutor, I want you to remember that Lori too says, "I can't stop myself from doing this.  It's my whole life."   This is the tragedy of what happens when someone like Lori slips through the cracks, someone ends up dead.  Now in my case, I am not now nor have I ever been, involved with Lori.  She's used brain link to involve herself with my family.  The information she gleans is spread around to others after she adjusts it to her fantasy in her mind.  For example, if I didn't come down as a person completely against Lori's craziness, she would say that I once worked for her.  Nothing could be further from the truth.   I've never dated nor have I spoken to Lori LaFond.  I can literally count the times I've seen her in person.  I used to forget her name because I didn't know her.  This is all stuff she made up in her mind.  Please stop her before she kills again.

Lori's fantasies are deadly.