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Thursday, September 7, 2023

The Eerie Similarities Between Lori LaFond and BTK's Dennis Rader: Sexual Sadism Coupled With Bravado Narcissism


I've looked long and hard at the serial killers that have plagued society to try to bring the best information possible to the people who read this blog.  I didn't want to let my limited psychology training from college play a role in my misunderstanding of the predators we seek.  I think that there are bits and pieces of Lori LaFond that most people won't know how to describe unless they are parents of a difficult child.  A unique predator committing a unique crime should have some predecessor that has done this before.  The closest to Lori LaFond is BTK.  To me, there is a plotting, planning, and execution phase for Lori that now draws on her past rapes to get her excited for the next one.  It's her full-time job, and, as she says, "I need more people!"

In this episode of Confessions of a Serial Killer, you will see drawings of Dennis Rader's fantasies...did he complete these drawings from memory or from his mind?  Law enforcement is looking into these drawn pictures now...Lori drew pictures too.  BTK stands for Bind-Torture-Kill, Lori has a past that allegedly involves binding, and torturing and with her HIV and other viruses/bacteria, she is responsible for a lot of infections in the area.

Rader, in public, was a compliance officer with the police.   He could control his world by telling others what was wrong/non-compliant in his.  Lori loves that kind of power too.  She thinks of herself as a police officer and told many people that she worked for the police.  Dennis Rader was the same.  Lori loves to dress up for the roles that she plays when she is excited about hurting someone or hunting them.  Dennis too had an affinity for dressing up as his victims and other things.  Fantasies play a huge role in these rapes and killings.  These types tend to take lots and lots of photographs of themselves and their victims.  Poloroids were common before cellphones...Lori had these, so did Dennis Rader.
BTK's "green girl" may have been drawn as a fantasy or a memory from a crime

Rader loved to dress up and pose as his victims and also loved to pose his victims in humiliation

Most of us who were victimized have heard or seen Lori's violence, subconsciously or our minds, we hold that memory, or our bodies remember.  I get bits and pieces of memory back when I think about the morning that Lori and Brian LaFond came into Steven Frey's home and beat the shit out of my head.   Lori makes her presence known to me over and over again.  I, of course, have known her since junior high school.  My opinion of her wasn't a good one before, after this morning, I was done hearing her threats.  I don't like being set up.

Rader kept logs of his victims and even named his surveillance/crimes...some were successful some were not.  Lori calls these "capers" and she just loves to photograph.  She used to send out droves of people in cars to follow other targets around.  Anyone that Lori fancied, got followed and stalked.  Mine began when I went back to school in Riverside after Lori infected me in 1987.  One roommate of mine, Mindy, may remember being followed or stalked.  My other friend Kevin may remember the traffic around his house at that time too.  Kevin's brother-in-law could have ended up like mine, because of the same girl.  Lori LaFond is that girl.

While Dennis preferred barns for his fantasy locations, Lori liked dungeons.  Binding is part of both of their fantasies and the torture is more painful or humiliating than it is sexual.  Nudity for Lori is only for humiliation, that's what gets her excited.  Dennis Rader loved living two lives but as I've told you before, it is really the second life that he is living all the time.  Bravado drew attention to BTK and to Lori LaFond as "Jessica" or "Lisa" or one of the many other names she pretended to be in public.  She even pretended to be a school crossing guard to get closer to the Katzenberg's and the children in the community.  Lori was unliked and police came by to talk to her; she wasn't working for the school district, just pretending.   Getting near children is a full-time job for a pedophile...

Lori's life is full-time crime...make no mistake about it.  If there is anything else she does for a living, it is probably just a lie or a fake document she is presenting.  Look for income from that job under her social security number and you'll find nothing; a blank history.  She's been unemployed and pretending since she ran away from a case from high school involving a gun, a car, and a week of terror then too.

To this day, while I tell you this story about my experiences with Lori LaFond she still insists that I tell her story her way.  If I don't, she gets furious.  This is what working in a case with a narcissist is like.  She wants complete control as a narcissist and if you don't go along with her lies, she will look bad.  So important to her that she does not "look bad".  She's a serial rapist/killer, that IS BAD!  She is just so certain that you will believe her.  I never have and never will.